Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In sexual abuse cases where leave is sought for the child to be interviewed by an expert the court may stipulate that all interviews be recorded on video tape as advocated by Douglas Brown J in Rochdale Borough Council v B W , A K and others ( 1991 ) cited above , a wardship case involving allegations of ritual abuse .
2 Where an assessment involves interviewing the child about matters which are central to the case the court may stipulate that all interviews be recorded on video tape .
3 They may consider that many forms of non-consensual sexual intercourse are not so grave as to be labelled rape .
4 The idea is that we may know that some pleasures or pains have a generally high or low degree of purity or fecundity without its being practicable on a particular occasion to specify and evaluate specifically the precise further pleasures or pains which are likely to ensue from them .
5 I should think that all politicians , and I speak for myself , we all face this temptation .
6 ‘ One must recognise that these polls take place , but also carefully remember that a decision about any vacancy that takes place is taken by my colleagues in the House of Commons , and not the general public . ’
7 Employers should ensure that all wardens receive basic training in dealing with dementia .
8 The agent may have other interests , and the firm should ensure that these interests do not conflict with its own .
9 ( 6 ) As well as ensuring that documents do not fall into the wrong hands , the parties should ensure that any meetings or " due diligence " exercises are conducted discreetly , to avoid rumour and speculation .
10 A third party which knows it is dealing with a State acting on behalf of another State should ensure that any agreements fall within the authority of the protecting State .
11 If the landlord prefers to covenant to maintain the outer half of all internal non load-bearing walls dividing the premises from other parts of the building and recovering the cost via the service charge , the tenant should ensure that any sums collected by the landlord from other tenants under the terms of their leases to maintain their half of the divisional wall should be deducted from the service charge .
12 Before we rush into changes to the homicide law , we must ensure that such changes do not do more harm than good .
13 We must ensure that such movements are not given the opportunity to develop in our own country .
14 We must ensure that those problems in the south-east are addressed .
15 You must ensure that any loads carried or towed or secured and do check and see , do not overload your vehicle or trailer , when on a motor cycle , scooter or moped you must wear a safety helmet or designed which maybe fastened securely , you also must wear sturdy boots and gloves , tell other seen , wear something bright coloured or bright , reflect the material , open the door , brighten materials help in daylight as do and sheen .
16 Newco 's solicitors should insist that any disclosures are made in precise terms , and specifically by reference to particular warranty statements , to ensure the full impact is understood .
17 Women who have had children will know that their vaginal muscles are slightly more relaxed after delivery , but they should remember that many men prefer space to move in and that sufferers of premature ejaculation will benefit from the more subtle stimulation of lax vaginal walls .
18 Those who begrudge these people a safe haven should remember that these refugees are ordinary people like them .
19 Moreover , before we speak of the transfer of powers , we should remember that these men were not nineteenth-century constitutional lawyers , any more than they were eleventh-century papal reformers .
20 Again , we must remember that those sermons which got into print or were noticed and attacked in newspapers were not always typical : the typical is seldom noticed .
21 Naturally , these predators must have turned their attentions to other animals , like the mammal-like reptiles ; but we must remember that these animals were small .
22 We must see that more goods are forthcoming to meet the new demand .
23 ( And no-one should believe that such sums as these would apply only to obscure text books ; even the basic paperback novel could be thus affected . )
24 ‘ I do n't want to bore you , ’ Harvey said , ‘ but you should understand that these heaps of wire can practically think — linear programming — which means that instead of going through all the alternatives they have a hunch which is the right one .
25 He should hope that such cartoons continue .
26 We must demand that these laws be abolished because if this government has its way , the working man will have gone back one hundred years .
27 One must conclude that such sources were available to the master potters , but it is also evident that peripheral factories were content merely to copy those more skilled in the art , with the crude results one must expect .
28 The putting together of a record of achievement and the formative use of assessment at every stage of schooling should mean that such patterns of feedback as well as prediction would in time be developed as would cross the divide between primary , secondary , sixth form , tertiary college , FE and higher education .
29 He said people in Britain must realise that such attacks did not have the support of the majority of Irish people .
30 Things were a bit easier at Binbrook in that direction as we could sleep between midnight and 6am , but I must admit that most nights I had considerably less sleep than that .
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