Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] him [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe I should buy him a place in the country .
2 You must watch him every minute of every day !
3 ‘ We must give him a name until we know who he really is , ’ she said .
4 ‘ They must give him a chance .
5 She must must must give him the money , the ships , anything , and he must must must carry her flag and her favour beyond the end of the end of the earth , into exaltation and immortality , linking them for ever with bonds far harder to dissolve than those of any mortal love , the harsh and deifying ties of history .
6 He persuaded the Stationer 's Company that they should send him a copy of each book its members printed .
7 ‘ Perhaps I should send him a note of apology . ’
8 He 'll be in the office this week , so you should give him a call .
9 When it seemed that the treatment was over , Freud suggested the patient should give him a present ‘ so that the feeling of gratitude would n't become too strong ’ .
10 ‘ He should give him a run of five or six matches to show what he can do .
11 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
12 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
13 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
14 He mentioned he often gets the coaching bug , I say Leeds should give him the opportunity to get more involved in that side now .
15 Do n't you think we should give him the benefit of the doubt ? ’
16 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
17 He stormed : ‘ The FA should suspend him for a couple of years and if they ca n't ban the video then they should fine him every penny he makes out of it .
18 The young stand-off 's outstanding performance must take him a step closer to that elusive first cap , and his personal tally of 27 points kept Gala 's league hopes very much alive .
19 The official warns Butch he must tell him the type of ball , and so Butch has another go : ‘ Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta … ’ and he stamps his foot in frustration .
20 For once , she must tell him the truth , never mind that he had behaved so badly last night .
21 We must get him a card .
22 Come on then , Jake , let's give him a fright . ’
23 Let's give him a shout . ’
24 The provision sometimes inserted in a settlement for giving remuneration to a professional man who is one of the trustees is open to considerable objection since it may give him an interest in incurring expense , and will , in any case , tend to make the other trustees leave the management mainly in his hands .
25 If the potential plaintiff has other dealings with the potential defendant , these may give him the opportunity to exercise rights of set-off .
26 I meant to go to the bank last , I meant to get cash for that guy but I 'll make him a cheque .
27 ‘ He 's a good wrestler , a flier , a skier — all the things that might make him an attraction to the Duchess of York .
28 Soon , Freddy was asking if Mr Schwartz might buy him a suit .
29 I 'll buy him a packet of fags for erm taking us out
30 I 'll bring him a pasty back from work .
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