Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Little is known about the effect of different care settings on the children 's education though the fact that many foster parents and residential staff have had limited educational opportunities themselves may influence them in the importance they attach to the children 's success in school .
2 In examining these conflicts and changes the particular aims of the researchers are to : elucidate the changes that occurred in the UK defence science and technology system in the 1980 's and to analyse their dynamics and interactions ; ii identify and examine the assumptions about the future being made by firms and governments to guide their current decision-making in this area ; iii consider whether clear and stable structural trends are emerging , and the factors that may influence them in the 1990's , including the transition to a single European market ; iv establish a better framework for assessing contemporary developments in defence technology policy and their consequences for other areas of science and technology policy .
3 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
4 The Russian Sputnik had been launched two years before , and produced in the United States a feverish alarm lest their Communist competitors should outstrip them in a world increasingly penetrated by science and technology .
5 It should out-point them on the rough stuff , too , for the Range Rover is still king of the wild frontiers .
6 If a potential investor should assume that ‘ preference ’ means that he should prefer them to the ordinary shares he would be sorely in need of professional advice .
7 They were left feeling drained , insulted and angry at a man who suggested he should bill them for the five hours he spent at their home .
8 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
9 If you have any special requests you must include them in the special request box on the booking form , but please note that special requests are not guaranteed and are subject to availability .
10 He must introduce them into the plane of his own discourse , but in such a way that this plane is not destroyed .
11 Thou shalt break them with the rod of iron , thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter 's vessel .
12 You should present them with a sense of commitment .
13 Perhaps we should send them to the client on all
14 Upon receipt of the proceeds of sale the trustees must invest them for the tenant for life and that person 's successors in title .
15 INSTEAD of destroying their bumper crop of potatoes , farmers should give them to the needy .
16 The 1919 Murray 's Handbook asked in a revealing suggestion that travellers should watch out for instances when third-class passengers were not treated considerately and should report them to the management .
17 Godparents , these state that you should keep them on the straight and narrow
18 Ants can be kept in large glass jars filled with soil or in a wormery ( Chapter 6 ) , but to see them best you should keep them in a special kind of housing .
19 I am very desirous to get all the species of this genus which I can , and am making observations on their flowers and fruit : for Doctor Linnaeus has joined these to his genus of Rhus [ sumach ] , with which all the species of Toxicodendron , which I have yet examined , will by no means agree ; for these are either male and female in distinct plants , or have male flowers in separate parts from the fruit on the same plant , which , according to his own system , must remove them to a great distance from the Rhus .
20 In fact , since ants , like other insects , have a variety of these illuminated chemical communicators , each meaning different things , their highways — especially within their nests — must provide them with a variety of ‘ colour-pattern ’ coding and meaningful messages .
21 The Blueharts game should provide them with a confidence-building win .
22 You should provide them with a list of topics of general interest and also a list of any specific cases in which the firm is involved .
23 Instead we should provide them with the means of taking charge of their own lives ; then — if and when they are ready — help them to understand their payoffs and hidden agendas , so that they can choose to stop playing this destructive game .
24 The file specifications will be documented , and users wishing to load their own files must convert them into the Okapi format .
25 Hence Durkheim insisted that to understand one set of social phenomena we must see them in the round — in their wider , social context .
26 But … if they 're family heirlooms then however much I want them , I must return them to the family where they belong , ’ she said dazedly .
27 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
28 So if the carriages are at the right , you must set them for an anti-clockwise circle , if they 're at the left , for a clockwise circle ( Figure 2 ) .
29 The draftsman should , nevertheless , be aware of some of the practical problems that arise in connection with the choice of tenancy to be granted and in appropriate cases should draw them to the attention of his client .
30 They must squash them in the hand and just throw it in must n't they ?
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