Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] them on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And erm , they they they must try them on human beings , and I 'm sure there are some people who are quite prepared to these tried .
2 It 's not that ‘ they 're saying , ‘ We 've got these things that do n't work well and we 'll dump them on unsuspecting countries . ’ ’
3 They were able to request anything they wanted from their administrative colleagues which they felt could aid them on any given mission .
4 And then she 'd type them on this special machine that had indelible ink in it .
5 On winter days the thin spirals of blue smoke were particularly visible , although , in fact , you could see them on most days save when heavy rain , snow , or mist came down like a curtain over everything except the immediate slope of the hill and its scattered beeches .
6 And er , then I should go to the bobbin shop and ask them if they could get these done today and er , well we got this on , I said no but I , we want it if you could leave them on one side and erm I used to er I , I became , if I might say so and I 'm not boasting or bragging or anything , Michael , I 'm trying to tell you the situation as it was and er I was a very important man to and er they er got me er at one time to er figure out , they , they used to make what was called Woolworths locks .
7 And then we used to feed them on these rakings there do you see .
8 I would do them on separate ones .
9 He wondered if they 'd ever find husbands or boyfriends who would take them on such a holiday as this and rather doubted it .
10 Then he would place them on one of the old time boards which was er board about nine inches by nine inches and then hand that through the pigeon hole to the cashier and in front of him that cashier would laboriously count that money and agree the total there and then .
11 Would it not help if the board gave a written assurance to the people who 've been complaining here that they will meet them on any occasion to discuss the problem in writing please because from Brenda it appears that it just does not happen .
12 It will take them on one journey in one week in one direction for a very short distance .
13 1.26 The 1988 Act requires the Secretaries of State to revise the curriculum from time to time ; we assume that NCC and CCW , among others , will advise them on this , and that such revision will include attainment targets , the allocation of statements of attainment to levels , programmes of study and methods of assessment .
14 When they discover a shoal of smaller fish , they will harry them on all sides , driving them into such a dense concentration that the technique has been called ‘ meat-balling ’ .
15 fingerless mittens are an ideal solution as you can keep them on all the time even when shopping and paying at the checkout .
16 Outside that area you can ring them on 0803 851005 .
17 Let's see if we can move them on this year so that they start to think it 's a charity I know I really want to support .
18 Or you can phone them on 05394 44 444 .
19 Again , we do n't know if this was a record but Pauline explained how she made the sweaters saying , ‘ My Brother 950i makes large motifs very straightforward to knit as you can place them on any size of garment without having to push back unwanted needles at the edges . ’
20 They also run various events and shows throughout the year and you can visit them on most days of the year .
21 he 's been getting the buying signals right , you can close them on alternative choice , right , which do you prefer ?
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