Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A MOTHER is living in a nightmare from which her only possible escape is that her tiny daughter may win her fight for life .
2 ‘ She ought to try her hand at decorating china some time . ’
3 ‘ And ? ’ said John , surprised that the usually articulate Comfort should phrase her approval in such pedestrian words .
4 He knew he must treat her affection for him seriously .
5 She may be dressed in a different uniform , and therefore must explain her role to the patient .
6 He knew that he should discuss her grandfather with Mariana but remained frightened of hurting her , or of being the immediate instrument of her hurt .
7 ( II.iv.42 ) — but proceeds to proposition her with a debased contract , that she should exchange her chastity for her brother 's life .
8 She brings home everything except potatoes and anyone who says that one ca n't get fresh vegetables in London must do her shopping by telephone , she is convinced .
9 Claudia rushed into speech , unable to understand why his reply should send her mind into erotic overdrive .
10 Yuck , she does n't even make flowers and even if she did , she should keep her place in the garden with you lot .
11 To do this she must begin her teaching from the point which the children have reached .
12 It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit and treat it as an incubator for someone else 's child . ’
13 She must keep her documentation at the clinic .
14 She must keep her appointment at the clinic at all possible costs .
15 It is thus appropriate that she should begin her enterprise in Out with an investigation of that originary metaphor described by Nietzsche , the act of perception .
16 If a teenager decides to earn money doing a paper round , or a Saturday job , there is no reason why their mother should set her alarm in order to wake them at an unearthly hour .
17 And I must not only sit here and endure all this I must read her account of it at the end of the day , and think of something polite to say about it before I find ways of rewriting and neutralizing it .
18 Sarah should have her roof on this weekend .
19 I suppose she must have her foot in plaster .
20 The idea that she should risk her future by dwelling in the past , raking over the cooling embers of his life in order to discover who killed him and why would have enraged him .
21 So much for gratitude — and the much vaunted French hospitality , she thought almost hysterically as Jacques , his face expressionless , indicated that she should resume her seat in the car .
22 In the choosing of her suitors it appears there is nothing that Portia can do , and must leave her fate in the hands of Good Fortune .
23 That she should hand her notice in so suddenly !
24 Dorothea wondered why that should preclude her concern in the affairs of others .
25 Carrington , still naive though learning , had thought it logical that Hannele should tell her story to the proper authority in person .
26 Now that she was face to face with Bridget , her mind was fully engaged in a debate as to how much she should tell her friend about events in Paris .
27 Why was she making excuses anyway ? she scoffed , as a flick of a glance to the small and feminine watch on her wrist showed she should leave her room to be ready to go down for when the taxi arrived .
28 ‘ She should lose her scholarship for that . ’
29 Fenella , hardly daring to speak , but knowing she must raise her voice above the treadmills , said , ‘ Where is — ’ And saw his eyes smile , as if to say : he is not here for the moment .
30 She should save her pity for herself .
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