Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] been used [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Never again , because those resources , now being consumed at vast speed in the Gulf , should have been used to stave off world recession , build new infrastructure , encourage better education and training — at least that 's where the UK 's £3 billion or more share of the total cost could have gone .
2 It was his misfortune to envisage every such encounter as a matter of life and death , though by now he should have been used to anticlimax , and to the survival and tenacity of both parties to fight another day .
3 Given the small size of the balances they must have been used to weigh small quantities of a precious substance , but gold need not be the only material involved .
4 Police said a vehicle must have been used to carry away all the equipment and officers are asking anyone with information to contact them on Middlesbrough 326326 .
5 ‘ A motor vehicle must have been used to take some of this property .
6 A ladder must have been used to gain access when the mill was in use .
7 Often the quality of the translation may be tested by examining the items indexed under a number of possible terms that might have been used to describe a subject in an index .
8 If the Secretary of State had regularly taken the governors ' advice about appointments , patronage might have been used to control the assemblies — some governors , notably in Massachusetts , were able to get their own way in their assemblies much more often in wartime and , while this was partly due to patriotism and partly due to fear of the French , it does appear that war contracts could build support in what had not always been promising soil for the governors .
9 Perhaps a similar process might have been used to form the zodiac figures .
10 The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric might have been used to sharpen tactical differences and to make opponents look absurdly paranoid .
11 And wherever there was a suggestion of a space there would be a craftsman bent over his work : a weaver over his loom , a metal-worker crouched over a dish of grey ash fanning a lump of live charcoal in its midst with a blowpipe , a basket-worker holding what he was making with his toes so as to leave his hands free , a turner doing his turning with a little bow which might have been used to shoot arrows , the man making pegs for the ornate wooden windows .
12 Carts might have been used to drag supplies up it , sufficient width was there .
13 Do you think , lad , that it might have been used to bring the body into the alley ? ’
14 As part of that , the European social fund could have been used to give twice as much money to the area , because that is what Commissioner Millan wants to do , using the additionality provisions .
15 There are many possible computers which could have been used to exemplify the terms we have introduced .
16 If a British multinational invests in plant abroad , it is often argued that it weakens British industry because the resources could have been used to invest in new production in the UK .
17 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
18 The figures could have been used to cover a fraud operation or could have have been the result of no-one ever checking the facts .
19 She also found that a lot of her time which could have been used to produce more goods was being taken up selling goods , collecting debts and generally doing administrative work .
20 Had the government of Kenya sold the confiscated tusks on the open market , the money generated could have been used to encourage systematic conservation .
21 Mr Kinnock accused the Conservatives of squandering £100 billion of North Sea oil receipts on tax cuts when it could have been used to rebuild the country .
22 The budget could have been used to get this region and the country generally out of recession .
23 The machines could have been used to pace the workers , or management could have monitored the utilisation rate of the various machines .
24 ‘ The Commission would have to assess whether the evidence compiled by the Daily Mirror could have been used to obtain a conviction in criminal proceedings .
25 Behind him was a broom which could have been used to batter him .
26 If suitably processed in Iraq , that material could have been used to make nuclear warheads .
27 Divisional Fire Officer Paul Gaze said at least a pint of petrol may have been used to fuel the fire .
28 Collect any powders , tablets or anything you think may have been used to take the drug .
29 Similar torcs were worn by the deities , like those represented on the Gundestrup cauldron ( fig. 30 ) , and it is possible that they may have been used to dress wooden idols .
30 Beer or wine may have been used to help produce the euphoric state .
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