Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] you the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have dinner reservations at Romolo 's , but first I must show you the sunset . ’
2 It must give you the pip every time you think about those days . ’
3 There 's a batch mark which should give you the date of manufacture , but you 'd have to get that from the factory , or perhaps through the Ministry of Defence .
4 Most rowing clubs do n't insist on immediate payment of an annual membership fe ( usually between £80 and £100 ) and should give you the opportunity to train with other club members before making a commitment .
5 The scheme booklet should give you the names of the individuals and advise you how they can be reached .
6 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
7 They may give you the creeps , but not Ray Gabriel .
8 If you feel your baby 's been quiet during the day , you can ask a nurse to put you on the machine and it 'll reassure you the baby 's still there kicking away .
9 And to ensure you get there in style we 'll lend you the Volvo 460 for the weekend !
10 Erm I brought in the old flurry tape , I 've I 've taped I taped our when you 've read my play for me , I erm I taped it and I made a copy for Dave I you know , erm Cybil makes a good effort in that so eventually I 'll lend you the tape .
11 Yeah that 's eventually I 'll lend you the tape for that erm we can pass it round .
12 ‘ Do as I say , ’ he replied , ‘ and I 'll make you the best-dressed , most beautiful woman at the ball . ’
13 Go with her and she 'll shew you the room we keep for visitors .
14 ‘ It might buy you the time you need .
15 They 'll promise you the earth to get you to come across , then treat you like dirt once they 've satisfied their maternal cravings .
16 They take you there for twenty P if you reg he said I 'll bring you the papers .
17 I 'll tell you what , meet me at the border and I 'll bring you the ways myself .
18 And we 'll bring you the results in a special local elections programme tomorrow night at eleven forty .
19 I 'll bring you the scissors cos you have n't got them .
20 A few years at work in a friendly tax climate might give you the chance to build up capital , and to keep it somewhere out of harm 's way .
21 what did the Catholic policeman say , give me a boy until he 's seven and I 'll give you the man
22 Yeah erm you give you give you give me the money now and I 'll give you the elephant later it 's just round the corner .
23 ‘ Do you think he 'll give you the price you want ? ’
24 There 's another thing what we 'd have all said when we got , you 'd have said it over the years yourself , erm , well just ring in and we 'll give you the price , you know , and if we kind of touch up to contract or flat rate or whatever is the way to get ahead , or you get whatever , ring Linda , or ring Jane and she says right , and we 've said that for years ,
25 And they 'll give you the profit if they make it .
26 Ages is n't it I thought I 'd tidy up in his desk and I was just going through the mound of papers , and I said here you are here 's your licence , finish it off , fill it in , and I 'll give you the cheque .
27 ‘ Very well , Miss Adams , I 'll give you the benefit of the doubt and concede that you do n't know why my sister needs her husband 's support so badly . ’
28 I 'll give you the benefit of the doubt as to whether it 's deliberate or not .
29 I just get it settled then I 'll give you the benefit of the doubt
30 I 'll give you the tour . ’
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