Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] it [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 In commending it to God , we should couple it with all the workplaces in our land .
2 Children and adults come to learn and face up to the facts of caring and sharing on the principal that we can not survive alone on Earth — we must share it with all the other animals and plants .
3 I simply must have it on all the time ! ’
4 Even with nice Mr Major as Prime Minister I feel we should resist it with all our energy .
5 It is made from heavy-duty plastic , which should protect it from all but the psychotically over-enthusiastic synthesist .
6 That he should write it at all was a measure of his egocentrism .
7 So you said we 'll have it in all week ?
8 Oh well might get it after all .
9 No we could , we could do it for all jobs cos
10 we could do it for all jobs , and see , that 's what I saying , I mean , we 've got
11 Every three months or so I 'd clear it of all the wonder remedies he 'd accumulated , but within a week he 'd have discovered some other miracle medicine .
12 This function they performed only in a limited and highly conservative way ; but there was hardly any other institution in France which could perform it at all .
13 for my money I 'd have it with all metal
14 Why is it that this machine c c could trim it on all sides ?
15 There 's no way they would touch it at all .
16 When I deciphered one I would announce it to all and sundry .
17 Since , due to familiarity , we are more at home with the second notation than the first we shall adopt it for all binary operations .
18 The loaches regard the bogwood cave as being theirs and will protect it against all possible intruders .
19 It is important , therefore , before attempting to build up a successful front for the furtherance of your career , first to ensure that the real attitude behind the front is one that will support it on all occasions .
20 I will reveal it in all its nakedness , for it is impossible to imagine how comic it is . ’
21 It 's all hard and cold , but Marie laughs and turns me round so she can see it from all sides .
22 The hospitality was excellent and I can recommend it to all fans who feel starved of their rugby in late summer .
23 ‘ They can afford it with all the money they tek off people , ca n't they ? ’
24 In this way people who would not in fact have been risky themselves , because of personal or background circumstances which they share with genuine bad payers , join those bad payers in a ‘ credit ghetto ’ where credit — if they can get it at all — costs too much .
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