Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] in [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The study particularly notes the difficulties which may arise in defining the split between ‘ health ’ and ‘ social ’ care .
2 In such cases , comparisons among the more generalized types and palaeontological evidence may aid in settling the identity of the principal veins .
3 You may select your meals from a choice on the menu , you may assist in preparing the Home 's menu , you may eat when you wish during specified meal times .
4 This is much slower than using a desk-top publishing system , but enforces consistent formatting and , some day , should assist in putting the journals into a database so that the information can be accessed easily .
5 Chapter 11 will consider proposals to extend further the list of groups whose interests management should consider in running the company with a view to limiting the harmful effect of corporate activities on them .
6 That 's where we must concentrate in rebuilding the fabric of society ’ , said Qeqe .
7 He must first obtain leave to move for judicial review and then , if he obtains leave , must succeed in persuading the court to help him in the exercise of its supervisory jurisdiction .
8 Economically , because of its low annual rate of inflation — 2.9% — and good trade figures , the franc fort policy should succeed in resisting the currency speculators .
9 We have published guidance which every Department must use in assessing the environmental impact of its policies and programmes .
10 Former President Ahmed Ben Bella , leader of the Movement for Democracy in Algeria ( MDA ) , said on July 14 that the state of siege should be lifted ; he also said that the FIS had just demands , but its methods were wrong and it should join in supporting the recently appointed transitional government [ see p. 38312 ] .
11 Sean McBride , one of AI 's founding members , explained the central role that education must play in promoting the values espoused by the UDHR : ‘ Effectively used , world public opinion can in itself become an important influence on the centres of power in the world .
12 The unit manager should participate in devising the systems of allocation and annual leave and should utilise the completed schedules as a basis for planning the deployment of his own service staff .
13 But , quite apart from simple precautions , the answer in the end must lie in sensing the difference between a natural flowing hand and the stilted and lifeless exactitude of a painstaking copy .
14 Chairman , I think I should say in proposing the proposed Policy E two it should be stressed the County Council 's not seeking to introduce a policy of restraint and restriction on the development which attempts to mirror that already applying within any of the nationally designated areas .
15 If you have fellow students , use the language with them also , recognizing it may not always come out correctly , but it can take away some of the reluctance you may feel in using the language , and adds to the opportunities of using it .
16 While the new law may succeed in exposing the burgeoning volume of ‘ Indian theme ’ objects coming to the US , in the fine arts it has sent some Indian artists on the warpath .
17 In this way he may succeed in attracting the attention of the predator away from the vulnerable fry .
18 Action by the monetary and fiscal authorities may succeed in relaxing the constraints imposed on the behaviour of the private sector by a deficiency of aggregate demand .
19 For such people the office of collector of the cess was eminently attractive , and for that reason the strongest solicitations were made to those who might assist in securing the place .
20 If an exact match is found , the user is told how many studies have been indexed with the matching term and are offered other associated terms which might assist in focusing the search .
21 Two approaches might assist in tackling the problem : first , the introduction of stress management in police and social work training ; and second , specific to social work training , clear specification of child protection criteria to aid decision-making about likely child care risk .
22 Contrast this with the position in jurisdictions where there are three or more degrees of homicide : pleas of guilty to first- and second-degree murders would be less frequent , since there would be the possibility of argument in court ( if no bargain was struck beforehand between prosecution and defence ) , and the defence might succeed in persuading the jury to reduce the degree of the killing .
23 Compression of this sort , practised more widely , might succeed in bringing the play over into a new medium .
24 For example , after the initiating event the electrical power system might succeed in supplying the essential power needs , or it might fail ; if it succeeds then the ECCS might succeed or fail ; and if this fails , then the fission-product scrubbing system , which removes radioactive material that has been released into the reactor 's containment building , might succeed or fail ; finally if this fails then the containment , the ultimate barrier preventing fission products escaping into the environment , might succeed or fail .
25 As much of the sulphurous pungency of garlic is also eliminated through the skin , it occurred to me that it might succeed in gassing the squatters out !
26 Or the allies might succeed in overrunning the French right , and roll up their line before the issue in the centre was decided .
27 If the farmer could eliminate all other factors and concentrate only on managing his leys ( and the soil on which they grow ) he might succeed in minimizing the effect of the ‘ years of depression ’ and maintain the new grasses and clovers for a very long time .
28 But sh sh sure they can succ succ they can succeed in creating capitalism , it , it it , it might succeed in paving the way for new China 's industrialization but we 've gone a long way from any any ideological position , we 've gone a long way from well what is in the best material benefiting class of the poor peasant now the poor peasant is not gon na get very much out of this .
29 It emphasised that there were men , in both France and England , who understood the role of the sea in war and of the part which it might play in determining the outcome of future English expeditions to France .
30 This research project aims to develop understanding of the nature of trust in organisations and the role that different types of trust might play in facilitating the performance of people , and systems .
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