Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Variances may relate to cost or volume of work , that is controllable items , but not to inflation .
2 However , some may change their behaviour , some may want to talk and others wo n't .
3 Nevertheless it is not something that we can ignore , for the teacher needs feedback from her students ' performances in order to judge the effectiveness of her teaching and may need to know that students have reached certain standards before progressing to more difficult work .
4 It is essential that Russia join the IMF at the earliest opportunity , and I believe that a stabilisation fund may need to follow if Russia is to have a prospect of establishing a successful market economy .
5 Many of the terms which allow variation of contractual duties will probably satisfy that test , but the drafter should endeavour to ensure that clauses potentially caught by the section are reasonable .
6 In many cases this is unlikely to be successful but for both professional and business reasons we should endeavour to ensure that acquisition is the appropriate route for the company to follow .
7 Similarly , engineers should seek to ensure that suppliers appreciate the quality and safety requirements of the products/processes which they are supplying .
8 One must wait to see if satellite selling proves a commercial success but it is reassuring to find are auctioneers prepared to consider new ways of offering a comprehensive sales service to their farmer clients .
9 On the other hand , if we were to take our sample from those families with above-average measured incomes , we would expect to find that many of them had only temporarily high incomes so that average transitory income would be positive and Y p < Y. Similarly , for a sample of families with below-average measured incomes , we should expect to find that Y T < 0 and Y p > Y.
10 As the educators of a larger student body , we should expect to ensure that arts graduates are numerate , scientists literate , and both fluent in a foreign language .
11 However , I should like to repeat that sanctions do exist .
12 The cost of lighting puts it beyond the reach of the Parish Council so they should like to request that Wyre Borough Council install footway lighting on this part of Gubberford Lane .
13 For the present , it must suffice to say that Eadmer 's report brings into Rufus 's reign a theme which is wholly lacking in Anselm 's letters , and we must ask whether Eadmer is not , here as elsewhere , reading back into Rufus 's reign the lessons which he and Anselm were to learn in the course of their joint exile .
14 The line None escape the tomb appears in a poem which continues : If ever I should die to decompose and smell Of shrub rose and mixture of mould , Tinctures of ash and soda to produce , As time will brittle and break my bones , Yet moan I shall not , Nor throw stones , Or care about celestial trombones that play The forgotten names of Galileo and Florindo …
15 Nevertheless , this case turned on a question of construction without any general statement of principle being expounded , and it would therefore seem sensible that a tenant should try to ensure that subrogation rights are avoided wherever possible .
16 By and large , however , we should try to ensure that waste is dealt with as close as possible to its source .
17 In practical terms , the information contained in the tombstone should always be general rather than specific and should be cleared with the parties named therein in advance and we should aim to ensure that publication does not breach the heads of agreement , confidentiality terms , sale and purchase contract or other agreements .
18 Since I have n't , I must intend to convey that Nigel only has fourteen .
19 From this , they should come to recognise that judgements about what is appropriate or correct can not be immutable .
20 It is good management practice that any change of policy should itself be assessed : the process should help to decide whether LMS can take the credit for any improvements that occur .
21 Now to me I might want to know that people use language to mean more than one thing .
22 And I have to warn you , coming back to the Emperor 's birthday , that I suspect , because these come from Allentown , Pennsylvania , otherwise known as that erm , they , they have n't actually twigged to the fact , that erm , Hirohito died erm , so it , it , if you are concerned with Japan , you might want to check when Akohito 's birthday actually is , erm , because it may not be the same one as in our , our diaries .
23 Further information about the range of courses on offer can be obtained from North Down College , but you 'll need to hurry because enrolment for vocational courses takes place today in Newtownards and tomorrow ( Thursday ) in Bangor from 6–8pm .
24 This item lists the documents that , as conveyancer for the buyer , you 'll need to prepare before completion takes place .
25 Members might like to note that Crich is a front runner for next summer 's trip .
26 Just to follow the correspondence in the September Question Time regarding Pelikan Mastercolour Oils , your readers might like to know that Artists ' Choice is continuing to stock this excellent product .
27 THOUGHT your readers might like to know that Linfield FC have recruited a new fan in the person of Demi Moore , the wife of Bruce Willis .
28 He says that he 's advised the farm owner that conditions are n't up to scratch , he says he 'll return to check that things have been put right .
29 I 'll have to see if dad 's around .
30 Well you 'll have to wait till Aaron comes out then
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