Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pers pn] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Exactly , we may make it the performance evaluation and the documentation attached to it that provides you your training record .
2 You must be gentle with her , you must protect her all your lives , she 's your little sister , you must make her the apple of your eye .
3 ‘ But you must show me the books , tell me everything about the business . ’
4 You must show me the book as soon as it comes — and you too , Anne . ’
5 We have dinner reservations at Romolo 's , but first I must show you the sunset . ’
6 I will send you one of your brothers and then you must send me the passengers .
7 Must give ye the question ! ’ he grinned sheepishly and staggered back a step .
8 ‘ You must give me the size , ’ said Myeloski .
9 ‘ You must give me the recipe . ’
10 She must must must give him the money , the ships , anything , and he must must must carry her flag and her favour beyond the end of the end of the earth , into exaltation and immortality , linking them for ever with bonds far harder to dissolve than those of any mortal love , the harsh and deifying ties of history .
11 It must give you the pip every time you think about those days . ’
12 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
13 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
14 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
15 He mentioned he often gets the coaching bug , I say Leeds should give him the opportunity to get more involved in that side now .
16 Do n't you think we should give him the benefit of the doubt ? ’
17 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
18 Therefore , I believe that the Minister should give me the assurance that I seek .
19 I know she 's your twin , but that does n't mean you should give her the man you want .
20 There 's a batch mark which should give you the date of manufacture , but you 'd have to get that from the factory , or perhaps through the Ministry of Defence .
21 Most rowing clubs do n't insist on immediate payment of an annual membership fe ( usually between £80 and £100 ) and should give you the opportunity to train with other club members before making a commitment .
22 The scheme booklet should give you the names of the individuals and advise you how they can be reached .
23 The Government are always making predictions , and in that sense the Chancellor may be described as the Mother Shipton — perhaps I should call him the Brother Shipton — of economics .
24 ‘ You must tell me the truth , ’ she said .
25 The official warns Butch he must tell him the type of ball , and so Butch has another go : ‘ Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta … ’ and he stamps his foot in frustration .
26 For once , she must tell him the truth , never mind that he had behaved so badly last night .
27 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
28 The person whom I was going to take over the job from said to me at the end of the meeting well what do you think of that meeting and I must admit I the answer and luckily somebody else instructed with some other business and I felt I got off the hook here but in fact that got dealt with very quickly and he came back to me and said well what did you think of the meeting and I had to say to him just one word , was the way I put it .
29 You invited me here , and you should afford me the protection due a man of my rank , and status . ’
30 I should get her the ballet shoes cause it was a ballet dancing that would be very appropriate and I 'll get her some flowers .
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