Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 After all , when our western doctor 's diagnosis or treatment turns out to be ineffective we may regard him as a useless quack , but we do not also conclude that the entire system of medical science is erroneous .
2 Academics regard bias as a sin , but others may regard it as a virtue .
3 I may treat you as a grown-up person , may I not ?
4 In the north and east the Curled or Lesser Octopus Eledone cirrhosa may treat you with a colourful appearance .
5 Let's treat it as a pleasure jaunt . ’
6 And it may tempt you into a mid-morning snack of chocolate biscuits or worse .
7 The Russian Sputnik had been launched two years before , and produced in the United States a feverish alarm lest their Communist competitors should outstrip them in a world increasingly penetrated by science and technology .
8 United 's Maurice Malpas sustained a groin injury and is doubtful for Scotland 's match against Germany on Wednesday but Duncan Ferguson should make it despite a thigh knock .
9 You should make it into a film , and I can star , I can be the girl .
10 You must regard us as a cross to bear . ’
11 You should treat it as a straightforward job of work and get on with it .
12 If a marble statue of the Virgin Mary suddenly waved its hand at us we should treat it as a miracle , because all our experience and knowledge tells us that marble does n't behave like that .
13 She says she did the Byrd show ‘ because I found her a fascinating part of the underground scene in New York , and I felt somebody should expose her to a bigger market .
14 Now , if we find Carfax first in the middle , Oxford 's on the crossroads principle , like so many cities , we 've got St Giles down here , erm and Oxford of course a small city , or we should regard it as a very small city .
15 I must prepare you for a surprise that will not , I hope , upset you too much .
16 Should this be announced during my absence , as is not unlikely , I would you should know it as a marriage of convenience , no more .
17 You should present them with a sense of commitment .
18 When she came back to him he must present her with a positive plan of action .
19 NEXT time Simon Rattle and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra perform Messiaen 's Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum they should do it in a great cathedral .
20 ‘ Perhaps we should send her to a tutorial college , ’ said Brian , unexpectedly .
21 The deceased then asked Mr. Morgan to keep the document and said ‘ if anything happens to me , you should give it to a solicitor after my funeral . ’
22 But for this to be achieved , the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving .
23 He stormed : ‘ The FA should suspend him for a couple of years and if they ca n't ban the video then they should fine him every penny he makes out of it .
24 Ants can be kept in large glass jars filled with soil or in a wormery ( Chapter 6 ) , but to see them best you should keep them in a special kind of housing .
25 I am very desirous to get all the species of this genus which I can , and am making observations on their flowers and fruit : for Doctor Linnaeus has joined these to his genus of Rhus [ sumach ] , with which all the species of Toxicodendron , which I have yet examined , will by no means agree ; for these are either male and female in distinct plants , or have male flowers in separate parts from the fruit on the same plant , which , according to his own system , must remove them to a great distance from the Rhus .
26 If you intend to proceed with the appeal on your own , you should contact me for a copy of the relevant parts of the Sheriff Court process .
27 That should see me for a while .
28 It is most important that the pupil , especially if he has difficulty with spelling , should see you as a sympathetic helper who wants him to learn , and not as an examiner who only tells him he 's wrong .
29 In fact , since ants , like other insects , have a variety of these illuminated chemical communicators , each meaning different things , their highways — especially within their nests — must provide them with a variety of ‘ colour-pattern ’ coding and meaningful messages .
30 If you are weekly tenant your landlord must provide you with a rent book otherwise he/she may be guilty of a criminal offence .
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