Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 I ought to write to her at some point .
2 We must confirm to you at the time of booking that there is a free or reduced price holiday still available on the departure date you require .
3 He took her hand in his warm clasp for a moment and then he said , ‘ You must pour from it at once and lay the ghost .
4 ‘ Well , old fellow in the cellarage , ’ she whispered lightly to herself , though the breath was shallow in her throat , ‘ it seems I must speak with you at last . ’
5 A haulier wishing to commence goods vehicle operations needing an O licence must apply for one at least nine weeks beforehand to give the licensing authority enough time to make enquiries as to the haulier 's suitability to hold such a licence .
6 Entries should go to her at SAWD Books , ( ) , by 29th January .
7 ‘ ( 1 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods less than he contracted to sell , the buyer may reject them , but if the buyer accepts the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
8 ( 3 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods larger than he contracted to sell and the buyer accepts the whole of the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
9 Anyone who can rekindle a friendship should write to him at Flat 11 , Grove Court , Cooden Drive , Bexhill , Sussex or ring him at 0424–212456 .
10 If any readers would like to receive a free copy of an information sheet I have produced on the types of environmental audits and what they can achieve they should write to me at the address below :
11 Anyone who 's interested should write to me at Heston . ’
12 People who are interested should write to me at the address below .
13 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
14 Speaking in Brussels , where the Community dimension of the drama is becoming a major debate , the Labour leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , said : ‘ Freedom is magnetic and it is natural that the people of Eastern Europe should lunge for it at their first chance . ’
15 And I must say between us at the moment there was n't a strong feeling what it 's all about .
16 I think I should say to you at this point , that if you 're moving into these areas , you are moving into what I can , or , just totally contrary in fact to your policies , and directions , and er , not only that , I think we have difficulty sustaining .
17 No matter how sorry we may feel for ourselves at times , there are always people worse off than us .
18 ‘ I 'll knock for you at eight for dinner .
19 It 's not something just to be pushed to one side , and , ‘ Oh , yes , he 's coming at eleven o'clock , so I 'll think about it at five to eleven . ’
20 ‘ Go and dump your shopping quickly and I 'll wait for you at the first bridge , ’ he suggested , indicating the expanse of parkland their building overlooked .
21 It 's no joke , because they occupy a dingy cell in war torn Beirut in Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me at London 's Vaudeville theatre .
22 She 's not in pain sitting in the foyer so what I 've said is you 'll look at her at break time .
23 If you 'd like to come , I 'll call for you at 6pm .
24 ‘ I 'll call for you at eight-thirty p.m .
25 I 'll call for you at eight-thirty if you promise to leave the briefcase at home .
26 ‘ Well , give me the name of your hotel , then , and I 'll call for you at , say , seven .
27 He opened it and said over his shoulder , ‘ I 'll call for you at seven-thirty .
28 When , a few minutes later , she stopped the car and said , ‘ I 'll call for you at seven .
29 He said that he might call on you at some other time . ’
30 And if the King leaves Windsor in the meantime , the justiciar may send me word , and I 'll come to him at Gloucester or wherever he may be . ’
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