Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We recently found that this luminal lytic activity is highly correlated with in vivo proliferation of colonic epithelium , which indicates that these soluble surfactants may affect therisk of colon cancer .
2 It is possible that this effect on ileal motor activity may facilitate absorption of bile salts in the ileum by the ‘ ileal pump ’ mechanism by slowing intestinal transit time .
3 CD8 + CTL , initially identified in unnatural host-parasite combinations in rodents , were found in volunteers immunized with irradiated sporozoites : however , in the latter situation the abnormal termination of liver-stage parasite development may facilitate access of parasite antigens to the hepatocyte cytoplasm .
4 The argument that ‘ conversion ’ to tuberculin positivity by BCG may hinder diagnosis of tuberculosis should surely be set against the laborious surveillance by periodic tuberculin testing and treatment with ( not entirely innocuous ) drugs if positivity should develop .
5 Juvenile — juvenile subject to maximum term of twelve months ' detention in a young offender institution — effect of sentence in excess of twelve months ' detention in young offender institution — whether Court of Appeal may substitute sentence of detention under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 section 53(2)
6 Since we know that the periodicity of some variables is longer than the monitoring already carried out by human beings , we must make use of surrogate or proxy variables to extend our range of knowledge ( such as via tree rings , palynology , oxygen isotope ratios from ice cores and geomorphological evidence of environmental change ) ;
7 Inhibition of HIV protease should slow maturation of virion core proteins and retroviral enzymes .
8 His friend , Mort Sahl , wrote : ‘ It is predictable that a shy man should merchandise anticipation of pleasure — with no delivery date .
9 A Labour group reviewing planning law has proposed that local authorities be allowed to decide whether new second homes should need change of use planning consent .
10 The logic of embroidery/stitch , as a historically bounded category , might tell us , for instance , that it is a decorative/representational/ultilarian/ceremonial form ; it employs particular materials , which are soft ( cloth , thread ) ; it employs particular techniques ( stitch ) ; and should display evidence of skill .
11 Such an individual should embody knowledge of cataloguing and indexing rules , at least in the context of a particular research library 's collection , its process of catalogue conversion ; knowledge of data structures , telecommunications and network gateways ; search protocols ; and relevant electronic sources .
12 By formalizing objectives and reviewing their attainment , the care programme approach should improve effectiveness of care .
13 This should provide evidence of ability to conceive and develop ideas ; skill in design ; accomplishment in drawing and an appreciation of two and three-dimensional values .
14 This should provide evidence of ability to conceive and develop ideas ; skill in design ; understanding of two and three-dimensional structure ; and an appreciation of detail .
15 This should provide evidence of ability to conceive and develop ideas ; skill in design ; accomplishment in drawing and an appreciation of colour , pattern and style .
16 This should provide evidence of interest and motivation in as many areas as possible of art , craft , design and architecture .
17 On the other side we must assert freedom of enquiry .
18 ( ii ) Teaching about language should encourage discussion of vocabulary that is specific to local communities — words for local places , buildings , institutions etc , and local usages such as bairn ( cf child ) , baps ( cf rolls ) , outwith ( cf outside ) ; or to particular age groups , eg frock ( cf dress ) , wireless ( cf radio ) ; or to certain occupations eg the specialist terms and acronyms used by groups such as doctors , lawyers , builders , computer experts and mechanics .
19 Its convenience and ease of use , however , together with its lack of serious side effects , should encourage use of glucagon as the first line treatment for hypoglycaemia .
20 X ) following the decision of a quorate general meeting and must indicate acceptance of nomination .
21 He has since , of course , achieved a political status by which presumably I ought now to judge him , but as a junior voice in a senior assembly I could not resist the conclusion that he was a little too forthcoming , particularly when on one occasion he outraged me by a suggestion that if a common waiting-list was established , consolidating both private and NHS priorities , the NHS patients should have pride of place before private patients came into the reckoning .
22 One feature I was sad to see here on a recent visit was a fish hatchery installed in the bay , a sight now common in the western lochs and doubtless contributing to the local economy ; sad because I feel that all living creatures should have freedom of movement and not be bred and confined in restricted space for the table .
23 The circular goes on to say : ‘ Local education authorities and governors may apply any reasonable criteria they wish for deciding which pupils should have priority of admission subject to the requirements of the law including the Race Relations and Sex Discrimination Acts .
24 If only because they are the sole member of their order , the Dermoptera , which means ‘ skin-winged ’ , the colugos must take pride of place .
25 ‘ The sentence imposed must take account of public opinion and aim to leave all concerned with a feeling that justice has been done . ’
26 It should also be clear that future investigations and policies must take account of class and gender and be sensitive to possible differences between minority black communities .
27 The judges must take account of advice from a lay-dominated advisory committee and the Director-General of Fair Trading .
28 That of Clark draws attention to the phenomenon of speech repair in two-year-olds , where speech errors are spontaneously corrected , indicating that children must have awareness of language at some level virtually as soon as they begin to talk .
29 If any country wishes to preserve its identity it must have control of immigration .
30 National languages should be encouraged , but Russian remained the language of inter-ethnic communication and all languages must have equality of status .
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