Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If , for instance , you will not enjoy a visit to the opera , then you may prefer the next month 's barn dance .
2 Some stallion owners may want a second payment in October if the mare is definitely in foal .
3 At this point it is likely that we may make a second mistake and go for a purely positivist view of law , the view that the nature of law can be appreciated purely by reciting the elements of positing and applying law without reference to its objectives or functions , so that we have a legal system as long as there are institutionalised ways of selecting mandatory rules and some arrangement for an authoritative application of those rules to particular situations .
4 When a loan is partly paid off , the lender may make a second loan , for the same amount as the original sum .
5 You may need a third hand for this .
6 TRAGIC Hillsborough coma victim Tony Bland may win a last right for brain-dead patients in Britain — the right to die .
7 Lombard 's Pictures may lack the last degree of individual characterisation , but at budget price this version can be given a warm welcome .
8 That she should spare a first glance , let alone a second , on this man was almost incredible .
9 The Prime Minister should answer the first part of that question , but not the second .
10 A court in Aix should make a first ruling this month whether Vasarely or Debbasch is legally in control of the Vasarely Foundation .
11 Other Unionists , including Law himself , were less sure , even though they shared their colleagues " concern about the political and economic situation ; nevertheless it was agreed to go ahead , but that Lloyd George should make the first move .
12 Then the next step was very clear — that we should make the next molecule , which was rather more complicated , and look for that .
13 I think that the instructor should treat the first flight on a particular glider as if it was the first flight of the day , and on subsequent flights he should just check for full and free movement and that the surfaces are moving fully .
14 Energy conservation is and should remain the fifth fuel .
15 Maxim felt a moment of total disorientation before he realised that something must have gone badly wrong , that because she had not greeted him he must stay being Winterbotham , that because they were strangers he must make the first move .
16 But first , Hodkinson must make the third defence of his WBC title against Puerto Rico 's Ricardo Cepeda in London on either January 23 or February 3 .
17 This is not considered in much detail by Marslen-Wilson and Tyler ( 1980 ) ; however , they do suggest that the acoustic-phonetic information needed to define the word-initial cohort must include the first vowel of the word .
18 The notice must specify the last date for proving which must be not less than twenty-one days after the date of the notice ( r 11.2(2) ) .
19 If the family should choose the first method , for example , ensuring that a life-story book is provided , then the child has the option of an identity outside his or her adoptive family .
20 It is not compulsory to provide any module names , but for each one specified , you must provide a First Issue No and a Last Issue No .
21 For every module name entered , you must provide a First Issue No and a Last Issue No .
22 It is not compulsory to provide any module names , but for each one specified , you must provide a First Issue No and a Last Issue No .
23 You must provide a First Issue No and a Last Issue No .
24 THE Queen Mother 's consultant was today deciding whether she should spend a second night in the hospital where she was taken with a throat problem .
25 In this current project , two studies are being carried out which should provide the next stage for following up the researchers ' first cohort of 1981 entrants .
26 The new discipline of industrial archaeology , which emerged in the 1950s , was largely inspired by Rolt 's writing , and it was entirely appropriate that he should become the first president of the Association for Industrial Archaeology when this was founded in 1973 .
27 Before the death of Felix five leading churchmen of the civitas arranged that the archdeacon Garivald should become the next bishop , since such a succession was the norm .
28 The authority of the Prime Minister was also undermined during December by the confusion generated by demands that Japan should mark the 50th anniversary of its 1941 attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour with a clear apology .
29 I think you should begin the next chapter now .
30 The children must guess the next letter .
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