Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] between [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All of these paints should last for between 4 and 7 years .
2 Mr Graham added : ‘ A further distinction is that gipsy camps , at the extreme , may consist of between 200-300 persons , whereas new age travellers ’ camps can account for up to 25,000 . ’
3 He might begin with between one and four different sizes of tesserae — separated into heaps or placed a partitioned box — and would make more than he intended to use ( manufacture continuing as the pavement was laid ) .
4 The talk at Rutland Water was of the potential market , which could run to between 1,000 and 2,000 boats a year , in Britain and abroad , for many years .
5 According to this the current demands for traffic calming alone in the council could have could amount to between five and ten million pounds .
6 At the current level of production , remaining recoverable oil reserves in the North Sea would last for between 12 years and 46 years .
7 The 1990 Home Office projections forecast that the average daily prison population would rise to between 61,700 and 62,600 by 1998 ( Home Office 1990c ) .
8 Er , these binges take places regularly and they may amount to between three to five thousand calories in one binge .
9 Other analysts , however , are less confident about the economic outlook and reckon the country 's growth rate will fall to between 2 and 3 per cent .
10 The most cautious believe that it will stabilise at between 0.5 and one per cent of the total beer market and even the most bullish say that it will take more than five years to reach four per cent .
11 The study predicts that the cooling effect will last for between two and four years , by which time the acid will have been dispersed as rain .
12 Depending on use , these will last for between 60 and 90 minutes of continuous operation .
13 Modern electronic organs may last for between twenty and fifty years , but there is a question as to whether spare parts will be available for that long .
14 Careful tests have shown that when this happens the area of the pupils may increase to between four and five times their previous size in less than one second .
15 In Madeira the local branch of it is dominated by the charismatic figure of Dr Alberto João Jardim and at any election , national or local , the party can count on between sixty-five and seventy per cent of the votes cast in the island .
16 This point concerns slaughter , which has been mentioned already ; however , I would just mention that as far as religious slaughter is concerned , recent research makes it absolutely clear that animals which are killed by cutting their throats can go for between 15 and 120 seconds able to detect what is going on around them .
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