Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now we ought to acknowledge that the medium itself is no less suspect .
2 The Power of Attorney is given to a relative or solicitor to act as Attorney or donee , but this power ought to lapse if the donor is mentally incapacitated , and the Court of Protection should step in .
3 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
4 However well-conceived , plans should incorporate sufficient flexibility so that a manager may feel free to pursue opportunities which may arise after a budget has been settled .
5 Under the 1978 Act , which incorporates the terms of the Redundancy Payments Act 1965 , redundancy may arise if the work needed to be done by an employee gets less or becomes unnecessary ( in changed economic conditions ) or is expected to diminish or come to an end .
6 A double tax charge may arise if the company sells its assets and the vendor wishes to extract the realised profit from the company .
7 Problems of confidentiality may arise if the client does not want everyone present to hear all that is discussed .
8 It may arise because a space has been reserved for an , as yet , undefined component or because the person initiating the search has no authority to see the information contained within that domain .
9 A situation may arise where a family is involved and the father is unable to return to the U.K. If he requires someone to remain with him it would be unfair to say the children would have to go home alone .
10 Circumstances may arise where a card is retained by an Abbeylink machine .
11 As the course lengthens the bed of the distributary will be built up and the situation may arise where a levee is breached and a new shorter course to the sea made available .
12 The situation may arise where the taxpayer is on the face of it chargeable to tax under Case V of Schedule D and also caught by Part XV of the Taxes Act 1988 .
13 Difficulty may arise where the purposes of the various parties to the combination are different .
14 Problems may arise where the foreman is bribed or negligent and excessive hours are claimed by the sub-contractor .
15 Thus situations may arise where the acquisition of companies with relatively small turnover may nevertheless have a Community dimension .
16 A legitimate expectation may arise when a government agency , by its words or conduct , leads a citizen reasonably to expect that it will act in a particular way .
17 The case may arise when a range of entries or selected entries are needed for photocomposition .
18 Indirect discrimination against a married person is similar in concept to indirect sex discrimination and may arise when a condition or requirement is applied equally to married and unmarried persons of the same sex but which is in fact discriminatory in its effect on married persons .
19 The necessity to offline may arise when the storage disks are becoming full , or if a certain package/package structure does not need to be stored online because it has been superseded or is no longer part of a live project .
20 A further dilemma may arise when the individual whom professionals are trying to help has a very different interpretation of his or her circumstances , aspirations and prospects from those of relatives , or where the individual is suspicious and distrustful and does not want even close family to know what has happened to him or her .
21 Of far greater practical importance are questions which may arise when the company 's articles of association impose restrictions on the freedom of transferability of its shares .
22 A similar problem may arise when the tenant allows someone else into occupation of part of the demised property , either as a subtenant or by way of licence or franchise agreement .
23 You may think that the advantages and benefits on offer are glaringly obvious — so obvious , in fact , that you do n't need to express them .
24 Now you may think that the number of people in this category here is very minimal , but there 's increasing numbers of people around the world travelling now who are motivated by things like this .
25 The reader may think that the result is already known , but all too often different populations behave in different ways so that although there may be an expected result to an investigation it will not be a foregone conclusion .
26 You may think that the moment of those first tottering steps was special , but believe me , absolutely nothing compares with the sight of one 's own child doggy-paddling across a swimming pool for the first time ( or indeed doggy-paddling through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the violin , with a not-dissimilar arm action ) .
27 From this lengthy account the balanced reciprocity which I mentioned at the beginning becomes very clear but some of you may think that the detail is excessive .
28 In such a situation while the judge may rule that the case shall proceed and be considered by the jury it would not be the duty of counsel to cross-examine the defence witnesses or address the jury if he was of the view that it would not be proper to convict .
29 Okay , let's presume that the chairmen of all stage boards are heterosexual …
30 This defines the class , type and subtype of the object for which it applies , a series of states in which the object may exist and a series of actions .
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