Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may relate to collateral development and/or remodelling of the lesion during the period following thrombolysis .
2 Also , with the use of steam in large rooms , high volumes of condensation may occur which may drip onto food contact surfaces bringing with it bacterial and physical contamination .
3 But the question of the terms upon which an injunction may be granted to enforce , or to restrain the enforcement of , a law which is under challenge on Community law grounds , can not in my opinion necessarily be regarded as a matter of procedure for the national law where the imposition of the term under consideration is directed towards preserving rights which may arise under Community law .
4 It does nothing useful , despite what you may think about screen saving , but it 's given me more entertainment watching it than any amount of television soaps — Johnny even celebrates major holidays at the right time ( assuming your PC 's clock is set correctly , of course ) .
5 Then he went erm into the Navy for a short time and for some unknown reason he managed to get out of the Navy and came as Mr 's Personal Assistant and erm one of his jobs was to erm get these pe children sorted out and I used to write no end of letters for him to erm places like erm Ilford and Wanstead and mainly the northern suburbs of London erm about certain children who had been attending central schools which were something , which were something that erm East Suffolk could n't offer and erm trying to decide whether they ought to go to grammar school or one of the area schools as they we then were
6 The final records may exist in paper format , while the sources and the evidence for the process of document development are electronic .
7 The minimum donation which an individual can make under the Gift Aid is £600. the total donations which an individual may make under Gift Aid in any tax year must not exceed £5,000,000 .
8 So sulphur oxides emitted from English power stations may fall as acid rain in Norway and emissions from Poland and Holland may contribute to the haze seen on fine summer days inn England .
9 If you have a low income and no more than £8,000 savings , you may qualify for Income Support , which is paid weekly and tops up any Income you have to a level set by the Government .
10 If you have an inadequate income , you may qualify for income support which is designed to provide those without sufficient means with enough money to live on .
11 And , under current Government regulations , provided that your total borrowing for house purchase and home improvements does n't exceed £30,000 the interest on your Home Improvement Loan may qualify for tax relief .
12 They may act as signal warning for developments in other fields .
13 The question must relate to Government policy .
14 These tutorials can take many different forms , but all should relate to patient care .
15 Committees should cease to be executive or administrative bodies and should concentrate on policy determination .
16 If there is a window seat , curtains should hang to sill level .
17 One of the amendments under consideration proposes that up to three potential buy-outs should qualify for Government support .
18 Investors could be either individual or corporate concerns and should qualify for tax relief on their investment . ’
19 The informal proletariat does not have the independence that control over means of production and labour power implies and must survive at subsistence level on casual wages .
20 It was also decided that the house surgeon should act as hospital secretary .
21 It is not the intention of this chapter to provide general guidance on detailed auditing techniques , for this readers should refer to specialist text books .
22 Such firms must , however , maintain a list of all the partners at their principal premises for inspection by interested persons during normal business hours and a statement that such list is available for inspection must appear on business correspondence .
23 And I also think that we should looking at harm reduction methods , in schools definitely not drug- wise .
24 If taxation finance is not available to cover public expenditure , governments must resort to debt finance or increases in the money supply to finance their activities .
25 As a little compensation I begged Captain King to let us remove either to Bruny , or to Muscle Bay , which would make very little difference when once the wind set in fair , and it was accordingly settled that at daylight we should sail for Muscle Bay . ’
26 I want to assure him Crevecoeur is in no danger , but that SHe must return to Club Eleusis . ’
27 It must differentiate between background noise , words , and breathing .
28 ‘ Any member who requires a refund of their membership fees should call at Age Concern Cleveland , 150 Linthorpe Road . ’
29 You should attend for routine follow-up visits as instructed , probably at least once a year .
30 After unification it was proposed that about 16 politicians from East Germany should attend with observer status and that at the next elections to the European Parliament ( scheduled for 1994 ) Germany 's representation in the Parliament would be increased from its present 81 members to 97 .
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