Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Let's make it all or nothing , ’ he said .
2 You must make your own if you are to be a Lapp .
3 ‘ And now I 've confided my murky past , that must make us more than acquaintances . ’
4 In attempting to help users in searching automated catalogues , it is perhaps too easy to assume that the machine must do it all and that the burden must be removed entirely from the user .
5 A piece to be presented should have something more than a surface narrative quality in the characterisation .
6 Beryl needed firm handling but losing father and brother inside four days must mean something more than the prospect of a secure income .
7 Actual bodily harm must mean something less than serious harm .
8 A timely reminder of the potential bio-hazards facing members , this study should remind us all that we deal on a daily basis with chemicals and micro-organisms which can cause much harm and ultimately lead to ill-health .
9 And we 'll lend you some but I 'm never without money .
10 Then , offering the razor : ’ I 'll lend you this if you want . ’
11 ‘ I ai n't simple , mister , I bet you 'll want something more than no answering back .
12 Now there 's no need to learn all of the tables erm er what I will do is if you want any more lessons I 'll do you some special tables cut down so you only have to learn about half the normal and then you 'll know them all cos if you know two sixes .
13 However , even if we can not blame him for murdering the other in his sleep , we might respect him more if he did put himself at a disadvantage by clinging to one of his last disintegrating scraps of morality .
14 But there again , one week you might , one month you might get a one month he might give her that and bugger all the next month !
15 I know girls who say , ‘ Oh , I 've never done it for money , but he 'll give me this and that ’ .
16 Okay , I 'll give you that as well .
17 Some , some places say oh , yeah , alright then , I 'll give you such and such off .
18 But not just redundancy , we 've taken initiatives in lots of other areas , we 'll show you those as well .
19 He thought to himself , right , you 've called the boy Hilbert to please me , to make me like him , so I damn well will like him , I 'll like him more than you and leave him the place over your head . ’
20 When the little ones get big enough to come here , he 'll hate them same as he does me .
21 And when the girl came with them I says I think I 'll take them all if you can them .
22 If not erm then if your spouse died the day after you for instance , you had a road accident or something like that and you 've left it all to her , she 'll take it all and then it 'll add it would be added to her estate it as well and make the inheritance tax bill bigger .
23 It occurs as that in Judges 9.9 and 13 , and here it might indicate nothing more than the all-embracing nature of the struggles which Jacob has engaged in during the course of his life .
24 They er they used to come at the first , and I 'll tell you this and I , it 's my opinion , they got one of their own men er I 'd foxed them off , you know what I mean , to do their own odd jobs .
25 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
26 Tell you what , lovey , I 'll play them both and see who bites first . ’
27 What could eat nothin' more than a couple o' chops …
28 the was that the first one was was more or less science orientated an I I , I looked at it and thought how how I could how I could make it such that it was common
29 I had a friend who was also interested in birds of prey , and we 'd thought that we 'd buy one each and keep them both at his place .
30 If we had anyone who could put up the money then we 'd buy our own and resell it at the end . ’
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