Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [adv] first " in BNC.

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1 You should put it there first and then taken them out .
2 ‘ But I think we ought to talk it over first .
3 ‘ I 'll show you upstairs first , ’ said the woman .
4 That 's alright , that 's something in Gerald 's little telly , it 'll probably need one of those little but I 'll , I 'll look it up first , check it out first .
5 ‘ We 'll drop you off first , ’ Desmond suggested .
6 Mrs Fields said , ‘ As by some miracle the A.R.R. Unit is empty , I 'll take you there first . ’
7 I 'll let you out first
8 If you have a problem , do not worry , we 'll pick it up first thing tomorrow .
9 Sufferers frequently know the exact time of their last drink and may remember their very first introduction to alcohol as a very special experience , something that may clearly differentiate them from the non-addictive population .
10 But before Ferguson and the Rangers fans could celebrate his very first goal for the club it was ruled out .
11 The Cotton Twist Company rarely sacked anyone if they could wear them out first .
12 We used to get a collar of rope , manilla rope , put it on to a truck and used to stretch it out first and then cut off the lengths .
13 And I will see you tomorrow first thing
14 If you read that er book er from the Commission you will find their very first goal is in relation to nursery education in deprived areas and the panel 's looking at that , looking at indicators of , of deprivation as well as erm the .
15 This guy just said , ‘ I can bring it here first thing in the morning in a carrier bag , and do n't be clever by saying that you do n't want it . ’
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