Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 There are several complaints that may affect women at some time in their lives from period pains and pre-menstrual tension to thrush and cystitis .
2 There are several complaints that may affect women at some time in their lives from period pains and pre-menstrual tension to thrush and cystitis .
3 Weaker iron binding ligands within gastric juice such as citrate , or even the iron colloid binding glycoprotein ‘ gastroferrin' , may facilitate transfer of some iron into the stomach .
4 For only on foot does one detect the subtle rise and fall of ground to which the earliest settlers were so sensitive , or alignments in the town scene that may throw light on some fundamental change of plan : or the names of streets and lanes that set the mind working at once .
5 Teachers should introduce pupils to some of the works which have been most influential in shaping and refining the English language and its literature — for example , the Authorised Version of the Bible , Wordsworth 's poems , or Dickens 's novels .
6 Teachers should introduce pupils to some of the works which have been most influential in shaping and refining the English language and its literature — for example , the Authorised Version of the Bible , Wordsworth 's poems , or Dickens 's novels .
7 Linear stability theory can indicate when a laminar shear flow must undergo transition to some other type of motion , and the example of its application to a boundary layer was discussed in Section 17.7 .
8 However , since it is to be hoped that the essentially problematic and contestable nature of good primary practice has by now been adequately demonstrated , the state of affairs described here must give rise to some concern .
9 In other words , the courts ' continuing adherence to the legal doctrine of sovereignty must entail commitment to some irreducible , minimum concept of the democratic principle .
10 We believe that all Headline books , be they fiction or non-fiction , should provide entertainment in some form or other .
11 ‘ there are moments when I feel I 'm on the frontier of something and I must twist language in some way to pass the frontier ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1990e:31 )
12 I should have water for some hours yet , but I did n't know how long I 'd be ashore , and as the shingle here seemed fairly hard I reckoned I could get the rubber dinghy to the water even at low tide .
13 A second problem is that it seems somehow contradictory that to should have meaning in some of its uses but not in others .
14 To succeed , they must have evidence of some change from the white side .
15 Mrs Burrows called this afternoon while you were on the shore and said that Harry was most anxious you should take part in some theatricals the young people want to perform at Easter .
16 When I told her I was longing to start up on my own she suggested I should take advantage of some of the outhouses — convert them into surgery , waiting-room , office et cetera — and have several rooms in the house for myself .
17 Further afield , we need to recognize that some disasters ( most obviously Chernobyl ) will have implications for more than one country so that environmental monitoring should take place with some kind of international co-ordination .
18 A. The Authority believes that in addition to English , mathematics , RE and PE it is desirable that all pupils should take science in some form until the age of 16 .
19 ‘ Keith hits and kicks any child playing with a toy he wants ’ is an objective description of the problem and it allows us to decide whether it should take priority over some other problem behaviour .
20 Now you never see mobile telephones , and malls and restaurants are different , so the paedophile must manage things in some other way , in some other style .
21 Moreover no child should leave school Without some practical competence that can actually be put to use , since we all have practical as well as intellectual needs .
22 It is on this principle that the school curriculum should be founded ; and this means that no one should leave school without some evidence of achievement in both the practical and the theoretical .
23 Nothing is barred , except that your subject ( which is , note , not the same thing as your deeper theme ) should involve crime of some sort and that your presentation of it should be in a manner that will entertain , which is almost the same thing as saying it should be through a progressing story .
24 This may give rise to some of the conditions described above .
25 These two propositions may give rise to some difficulties of implementation .
26 While it is recognized that anyone might experience anger at some time , and engage in a quarrel , most would not admit to having done so .
27 yeah it is local so I 'll still be coming to the group , I mean it 's erm , going , I mean erm just bear that in mind I might need sort of some help with coordinating cards and things , and erm , particularly if we do opt into the campaign , er it might be advisable for somebody else to do it , or at least sort of give me assistance .
28 A ‘ good ’ book might provide information of some kind .
29 For example , you might suggest surgery for some to prevent occasional arrhythmic death and in others , implantable defibrillators might be indicated .
30 Life expectancy is still an average measure , however , and might conceal problems for some groups within wealthy countries .
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