Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] bring [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The SPD pointed out that one-third of asylum-seekers came from Turkey and that strong pressure should be brought on the Turkish government to prevent this .
2 ‘ They 'll be bringing up the squares at any minute .
3 Still more damning evidence could be brought about the long-term effect of punches to the head .
4 In such a context , therefore , it comes as less of a surprise to find Sidney Webb actually advocating a cut in the wages of working youths — in evidence before the 1909 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws , of all places — so that ‘ the youth , who now has even too much pocket-money , and gets , therefore , too soon independent of home , and too easily led into evil courses ’ could be brought down a peg or two .
5 TWO heartbroken families may be bringing up the wrong babies .
6 The merits of an approach allowing the company to seek civil redress are essentially twofold : first , no victim need be identified ; and secondly , an action may be brought in the context of anonymous stock market trades .
7 Secretary of State for giving way , but when he made his proni provisional announcement on the er on the total S S A for Wales , was he aware that the er the various er salary review bodies would be bringing in a er a recommendation which was almost twice the current rate of inflation ?
8 So one of your responses would be to bring in the privatization card and put a lot of this out to tender ?
9 As far as any remedy in damages is concerned this point will not be of any significance and it is most unlikely that any action would be brought in a business secrets case unless some damage or advantage to a competitor had occurred or was thought likely to do so .
10 I shall be bringing out a very large book on all aspects of marines in the latter half of this year , so keep an eye out for it .
11 An appeal to a county court shall be brought in the court for the district in which the order , decision , or award appealed against was made or given ( Ord 4 , r 9 ) .
12 Under licence from Chorus it will be bringing out a product based on the System V 3.2/Intel technology of Chorus Mix so it can pursue the real-time and telecomms business that has been slipping through its fingers .
13 From Thursday onwards , the influence of Venus will be bringing out the artistic side of you .
14 In the spring , the same publisher will be bringing out the Mémoires of Charles Perrault , unobtainable since first published in 1906 , with an introduction by Antoine Picon .
15 One of his tasks will be to bring in the national lottery .
16 When Settis takes up his appointment in January 1994 , his main task will be to bring about a productive collaboration between the Getty Museum and the Getty Center , which , because of Forster 's dislike of object-based studies , have become almost estranged .
17 Philip Arbuthnot said , ‘ My son will be brought up an Anglican .
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