Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] made [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An attempt should be made over the next few years to answer this question in the light of experience and experimentation .
2 Professor Ashworth , Salford University vice-chancellor , said repayments of loans , worth up to £460 a year , should be made through the Inland Revenue — an option consistently ruled out by ministers and officials .
3 BSc Hons Professional Development in Nursing and BTech degrees — see Application using the University 's Direct Entry Form , p 50 ) , should be made through the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) in accordance with the procedure described in the Council 's handbook ‘ How to Apply for Admission to a University ’ .
4 All enquiries and bookings should be made through the warden at Postgate House by letter or telephone .
5 Bookings for the Cutty Sark should be made through the Master of the Cutty Sark on 081 853 3589 .
6 Should there be a need to visit or receive advice from the clinic , arrangements should be made through the Personnel Department .
7 I think the preamble the the the explanary explanatory text er with little two er indicates that really we are trying to address er erm a Greater York er dimension , that we are looking at a proposal er which meets the er development needs erm of Greater York over the period er that the contribution should be made through the new settlement .
8 The United States filed a brief denying the supposedly exclusive character of the Convention , but urging that principles of comity should be applied to determine whether an order should be made under the Federal Rules when the foreign country had unequivocally stated that it regarded such an order as a violation of its sovereignty ; and argued that a District Court could in any event not order the taking of depositions in Germany without compliance with the procedures prescribed by the German authorities ( in this case , those of the Convention ) .
9 For 40 years the policy has been that some contribution should be made towards the cost of sight and dental charges — that was agreed by both parties .
10 But what John was saying this morning , and I think it was n't with respect it did n't come over clearly to me , as clearly to me as I would have liked , and I was determined to point was , what John was saying , the transfer of that , if that 's capital , the transfer of that capital should be made into the wife 's account .
11 Saw cuts should be made into the curve , as illustrated .
12 The note gives guidance on the enquiries that should be made about the investment business control environment , including the business 's higher level procedures for complying with the conduct of business rules .
13 Two other points should be made about the notion of ‘ stance ’ .
14 A clear distinction should be made between a self-employed businessman trading either as a sole trader or in partnership , and the director of a limited company , whether that company be a public limited company , close investment holding company or another kind .
15 The first issue is when a formal agreement should be made between the members of a band .
16 A distinction should be made between an objective and a job description .
17 But , when more that 2 to 3 minutes away from the facility , a correction for 5° off track should be made with a minimum angle of 30° .
18 Contact should be made with the nearest medical school of H.M. Inspector of Anatomy whose address may be obtained from London Anatomy Office , P.O. Box 915 , London W6 8RP ( South East England ) , or the H.M. Inspector of Anatomy at the Department of Health and Social Security , Eileen House , 80–94 Newington Causeway , London , SE1 6EF ( for the rest of England and Wales ) .
19 But such compromises should be made with the larger goal always in view , rather than , as at present , as a consequence of the self-interested lobbying of powerful groups .
20 Instead of kerosene-based hydrocarbon fuel , the chemists proposed that the supersonic ‘ dash ’ part of the flight profile should be made with the afterburners fed with ethyl borane , the new boron ‘ zip ’ fuel .
21 Advance arrangements should be made with the Manager before arrival .
22 She had somehow always thought that love should be made with the mind as well as the body .
23 Initial contact should be made with the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security .
24 If the vessel is subject to an existing H.P. Agreement or a Mortgage which is noted on the Policy then in the event of any large claim , enquiries should be made with the H.P. Company or Mortgagees concerned as to which party should rightly receive the proceeds of the Policy .
25 We would be very pleased to discuss any aspect of staff development and in the first instance contact should be made with the Administrative Officer with responsibility for this area of our work .
26 If a prospective purchaser wishes to obtain supplementary information contact should be made with the designated representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick .
27 Arrangements should be made with the Regional Secretary 's Department for the required number of certified copies .
28 Normally arrangements to invigilate these examinations should be made with the nearest British Council Office .
29 Economists tend to shy away from equity as a goal , in the belief that if transfers are desirable they should be made on a lump sum or income taxation basis rather than being piecemeal on particular goods .
30 Decisions , then , should be made on a much more impressionistic basis ( intuition mixed with analysis of a few alternatives ) , provided that the actions taken do not offend the organization 's ideologies .
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