Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , cards should be exchanged one at a time and with some care .
2 While this is taking place they should be given plenty of nourishing food and a varied diet .
3 Being a very tall and large plant , it should be given plenty of room , and ideally should be grown as an accent plant .
4 Because of the large size of the plant it should be given plenty of room to develop , especially as an accent plant .
5 ‘ I agree totally that where fixtures are moved to another day , supporters should be given plenty of notice so they can make their plans well in advance .
6 ‘ I think a man who neglects his wife should be given lots of lashes , man . ’
7 Whereas in Los Angeles I manipulated costly hot and cold water in appropriate vessels throughout the house , Bali is a network of streams and rivers which , like veins and arteries , must be distinguished one from the other for their various uses .
8 To discharge the node , added electrons must be removed one at a time , which needs a definite voltage change .
9 And now I find myself eating tomatoes in the winter , which must be considered something of a luxury .
10 Aggressive , aggression might be tied it with getting your own but being assertive is not about getting your own way .
11 With Mike Harding 's book — £11.99 in the shops but absolutely free to all new subscribers — and a year 's worth of Outdoor Action , you 'll be guaranteed plenty of ideas for new places to walk — and you 'll get a good read each month as your issue of Outdoor Action is posted through your door .
12 Beechams Pills could be bought one at a time in a spill for a penny .
13 Even if the arrangement within each class was a branching tree , the classes themselves could be set one above the other to form a continuous sequence .
14 A characteristic historical exhibition may be called something like ‘ The Age of Rembrandt ’ , or ‘ Shock of Recognition ; the landscape of English Romanticism and the Dutch seventeenth-century school ’ ; both of these are actual titles .
15 Groups of gens related in this way from phratries and phratries may be linked one to another in a similar fashion to form tribes .
16 Tonight , two of the piles , including the highest bridge , would be offered nothing but brushwood .
17 I may never know it in this world but I shall be told it in the next .
18 Independent software vendors will be charged nothing until the second year when a $2,500 fee per company will be levied .
19 You will be given plenty of practice on the course but you must take every opportunity to build on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses .
20 In addition to the enormous amount you will learn on the day , you will be given lots of helpful written information to take home , and have the opportunity to buy relevant Domino publications .
21 These factors will be taken one at a time , and the scientist will set up experiments to test them .
22 His desire to devastate our residential sector and close seventeen homes will be thwarted somebody over there , it may have been Mr it may not have been , said that there had n't been any redundancies .
23 We have done some work with your offices on that , and whilst on most of your activities are n't happy with er the scale of such that it does cause me a problem , there is one particular area that we are in discussion with the Chief Executive , and your offices relating to doing work for other bodies to and the contract vehicle hire service , and er , that 's something which we will and no doubt will be brought us in the very near future .
24 First , though MI5 is notionally under the control of the Home Secretary he will be told nothing about its day-to-day operations .
25 In one of his earliest pamphlets , called The Reason of Church Government , he said this about himself : ‘ After I had for my first years , by the ceaseless diligence and care of my father , whom God recompense , been exercised to the tongues and some sciences as my age would suffer , by sundry masters and teachers , both at home and at the schools , it was found that whether ought was imposed me by them that had the overlooking , or be taken to of mine own choice in English or other tongue , prosing or versing but chiefly by this latter , style by certain vital signs it had was likely to live .
26 Standard machines measure 600 mm ( 23⅝in ) deep by 595 mm ( 23⅜in ) wide , to fit between units and can be stacked one above the other , but , unless you have a separate utility room , that does not leave much space nearby for storing laundry supplies and accessories or setting down the just cleaned laundry .
27 It goes to the root of the Positivist idea that hypotheses can be tested one at a time by comparing their implications with objective , neutral facts of experience .
28 A creature , therefore , can be taught nothing for which the inner , instinctive potential is not already present as a latent pattern in mind and muscle .
29 If , unusually , there is no time pressure , the targets can be approached one at a time in order of their relative attractiveness .
30 It has been argued up to now that although word-meaning is in a sense infinitely variable , nonetheless discrete units — ‘ atoms ’ or ‘ quanta ’ of sense — can be identified which at least in some respects are stable across contexts , and which are the appropriate basic units for lexical semantics .
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