Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] if " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
2 The defence of " fair comment " may only be sustained if the comment is on a matter of public interest .
3 A fundamental band in an IR spectrum may only be observed if there is an interaction between the electric vector of the incident radiation and the oscillating dipole due to the corresponding vibration .
4 Clothes and personal effects may only be seized if the custody officer : ( a ) believes that the person from whom they are seized may use them : ( i ) to cause physical injury to himself or another ; ( ii ) to damage property ; ( iii ) to interfere with evidence ; ( iv ) to assist him to escape ; or ( b ) has reasonable grounds for believing that they may be evidence relating to an offence .
5 Or counsel may suggest , again with the very greatest respect , that a certain decision may perhaps be reconsidered if the point arises again before a court having power to overrule it ; meanwhile , it can be distinguished on the facts before the present court .
6 The Official Solicitor should only be appointed if the child does not have a guardian ad litem and there are exceptional circumstances which make this desirable in the interests of the child 's welfare ( Lord Chancellor 's Direction , 7 October 1991 ) .
7 Again , this should only be done if the new entity has some meaning in itself .
8 These screws are for overall height adjustment purposes only and should only be touched if the desired action height is out of range for the individual saddle height screws .
9 Administrative decisions should only be overturned if the higher hurdle of real likelihood of bias could be overcome , and there are suggestions that the test should be further modified when the administrative body , such as a local authority , necessarily has an interest in the outcome of a decision .
10 Alcoholic drinks should only be given if the doctor allows it , and the patient must not be allowed to drink excessive amounts of alcohol .
11 But avoid unnecessary covenants of indemnity ; they should only be given if someone is truly under a continuing liability .
12 The trade should only be stopped if the public found out about it , recommended a Foreign Office document obtained by TODAY .
13 Ears should only be syringed if there is a real need — if you 're in pain or if there 's a reduction of hearing in one ear , for example .
14 His solicitor Duncan Mcnabb believes the accuser should remain anonymous but the accused should only be named if found guilty .
15 Disadvantage : the chute can become fouled and therefore should only be built if the users are willing to keep it clean .
16 Physical restraint may be used as a defence against potential or escalating violence but it should only be employed if there is a reasonable chance of success .
17 A free pardon should only be granted if moral as well as technical innocence can be established .
18 According to Rawls ' seminal work ( Rawls , 1972 ) , inequality should only be tolerated if the least well off are advantaged .
19 Data-gathering should only be undertaken if we intend to act upon the information which has been accumulated .
20 Photography is extremely expensive and should only be undertaken if it is necessary — which is not the same as being marginally useful or pleasant .
21 736 , I consider that it at least binds us to start from the position that in a similar case public interest immunity will apply and that any rebalancing should only be undertaken if there are additional factors which need to be taken into account .
22 Photographs should only be sent if you are absolutely sure that the recipients will be able to use them — even to the press .
23 Surgery should only be considered if primary endoscopic treatment fails .
24 The site that was identified or potentially identified by by the house builders in York was a site which both the County Council and the District Council considered performed a number of greenbelt functions , I think that it would be accepted that in any development plan land should only be allocated if there were some degree of certainty that it would come forward for development within the plan period , the site that was identified , there had been no objections made to the Southern Ryedale local plan so therefore there were no indications that it would have come forward for development within that plan period anyway , had it been identified , had it been allocated .
25 Products thus described should only be used if specifically formulated for food industry use .
26 Good choices for bathroom lighting are enclosed ceiling-mounted lights or swivelling recessed eyeball spotlights ; pendant lighting should only be used if the lampholder is fitted with a long protective skirt .
27 Abbreviations should only be used if their meanings are known to users .
28 It is probably too intrusive even to unconditionally ask the subject searcher to provide relevance information , and we believe that relevance judgements should only be requested if the system can detect that the user is either in trouble or being fairly persistent .
29 Videotaped interviews should only be excluded if admitting them would be contrary to the interests of justice .
30 The judge had to ensure that the trial was fair and thus evidence should only be excluded if necessary to ensure that fairness , that is if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect .
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