Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 We can confirm that we are satisfied ( as we are required to be under the regulations ) that Growing Business plc may properly be regarded as , using the technical term introduced by the regulations , a ‘ corporate finance client ’ .
2 Without doubt , the proposals may properly be described as controversial .
3 If during repairs , further underlying damage is found , this damage may only be accepted as coming within the cover of the policy if it is directly related to the incident giving rise to the claim .
4 Such documents may only be issued as outlined above or if they are exempted .
5 Although automatic and semi-automatic high-bay warehousing systems are being built abroad at an ever increasing rate — some 2,000 have been constructed in Japan in the last fifteen years — the rate of development in the United Kingdom may only be described as slow .
6 The following study of Owen may perhaps be regarded as only a partial success .
7 Whether activities ‘ should properly be regarded as those of the business described in the direction ’ is an issue of fact .
8 Military necessity should rather be seen as subject to , or forming an aspect of , the overriding principle of economy or proportionality in the use of force ( McDougal and Feliciano , 1958 , pp. 797–8 ) .
9 The second language list , which included those languages other than the ‘ major ’ EC languages , should rather be seen as representing a major step forward in the recognition of the importance of , for example , Urdu .
10 Table 1 does not consist of water-tight compartments but should rather be regarded as displaying general categories which may run into each other , more as two sets of continua rather than as two polar ideal types .
11 Aethelred 's initial acts on becoming king should perhaps be seen as primarily a securing of Mercian border territories .
12 The references which are suggested are not obligatory and should only be made as appropriate with regards to the item being indexed .
13 Here the needing and the daring are situated in time as realities , and as such they must necessarily be conceived as occupying a before-position with respect to do and turn , as a need calling for action and an exercising of audacity leading to the achieving of a result .
14 But what must finally be regarded as its most revolutionary feature is the importance that it attributes to language : not only is language a major preoccupation of structuralist thinking , but language itself is used as a model for all sorts of non-linguistic institutions .
15 It is true that Morris contains no disapproval or qualification of Lawrence , but , in my view , the main statements of principle in these cases can not possibly be reconciled and the later case therefore must not be regarded as providing any support for the earlier .
16 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
17 Thus education was to be productive of a ‘ good ’ , politically respectable State ; but it must not be seen as instrumental in any narrow or vocational way .
18 This must not be seen as condoning the random killing of animals ; far from it .
19 Most of them have been accidentally obtained from seeds so they must not be esteemed as different species , therefore I shall only insert their common names by which they are known in gardens , that those who are inclined to collect all the varieties may be at no loss for their titles .
20 It has been said that in the civil law tradition proof-taking ‘ often resembles a series of isolated pre-trial conferences rather than a concentrated trial ’ , which is helpful but must not be read as suggesting that these earlier stages are merely interlocutory ; they are an integral part of the judicial process .
21 It advocates ‘ parental affection ’ but advises this must not be interpreted as sexual .
22 While I have not been a wildly flag-waving Canadian I am proud of my birthplace and continue to admire Canada and Canadians immensely , which sentiments must not be taken as damning with faint praise .
23 Although Francis Berry 's involvement with the cellar came purely from his friendship with Lutyens , this must not be taken as favouritism Berry 's was one of the oldest wine merchants in the business ( the company started trading in 1699 ) , and their first royal warrant was given to them by Edward VII , an honour the firm holds to this day .
24 For this purpose it should be noted that contracts with a UK counterparty may be treated as entered into in the UK , depending on the facts , and the better view is that advice given to an investor in the UK should normally be treated as given in the UK .
25 Since professional development is a dynamic process , the training which some South Asian teachers have received in the subcontinent should not be condemned as totally inadequate as is currently the case in official circles .
26 At one place he described the statement ‘ physics has higher verisimilitude than astrology ’ as plausible and asks why it should not be accepted as long as no serious alternative is offered .
27 This should not be accepted as adequate medical management in the 1990s .
28 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
29 Fowler argues that the analyst should attend particularly to the social function of linguistic structures in literature ; texts should not be viewed as self-contained systems but as process , ‘ the communicative interaction of implied speakers and thus of consciousness and of communities ’ ( p. 94 ) .
30 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
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