Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have [been] [det] " in BNC.

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1 His unhappiness should not have been any great surprise , as St John 's was known as a high Anglican school , elitist and exclusive .
2 It seems little short of incredible now that such a talent should not have been any source of income for half a century after she left art school , but heartening that the lack of any fiscal reward and only intermittent recognition from her peers made no impact on her creative energies .
3 His hands were very full with arrangements for his attack on Normandy , and there must also have been many discussions about the terms on which he would be willing to make peace with the papacy .
4 There must have been some great stars and some ecstatic moments in those cosy halls but there must also have been many second- and third-rate performers , constant recourse to stereotypes , excessive repetition , and buckets of sentimentality .
5 On the first of these there must inevitably have been some continuation of the raising of teacher-awareness initiated by the involvement of teachers in the library committee and in making submissions to it for inclusion in the proposal .
6 It must surely have been that quality , suggestive of significance , which drew so many writers and designers to vernacular styles , in both the later Victorian and the Edwardian periods .
7 Stiff with pride — which she was now sick and tired of being told was a Leo trait — and buoyed up by the certain knowledge that it would have been morally indefensible for her to desert her father , Laura had taken some weeks to realise that there must surely have been another way for them to solve their problems .
8 She swung round to him , grinding out in a low voice , ‘ She must n't have been any beginner , not goin , by the uncles the child 's had .
9 Perhaps his initial success should n't have been all that surprising for he comes of good rugby stock .
10 Defending solicitor Bob Booker told the court : ‘ If the grating which surrounds the washing area had been clear there should n't have been any problems .
11 Perhaps it was the way the horizon curved upwards on all sides , like a bowl , or the way gravity worked when there should n't have been any .
12 There must evidently have been some panic to get the depôt clear in time to reopen for service cars .
13 This may imply that in cremating areas the vessels were made a certain size for the specific function of containing the ashes , whereas in areas practising inhumation there may not have been such specialised production , the vessels being drawn from the domestic stock .
14 For the control practices , with their low rate of cross boundary referrals , this may not have been such a concern .
15 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
16 He may not have been much of a fancy cook , but Kunio had a very keen brain and a highly intelligent outlook on life .
17 Ben may not have been much of a theatre-goer , but he would no doubt have been fascinated by one unexpected visit in the June of 1801 :
18 However , this may not have been much of a choice .
19 The standards of humanity and gentility expected of guards , or shown towards prisoners , may not have been those of Alexander Paterson or the Howard League ; but there were standards , which were informally learned and informally but forcefully demanded of the guards .
20 It may not have been this boy 's fault . ’
21 There may just have been some hope of effecting change through organization , especially when the numbers of women were still low ( about 300 at the end of the 18805 ) , though the means chosen were not welcomed by the rank and file of the men 's union .
22 But had it not been that actual set of people — Sam Phillips , the band , Elvis and The Jordanaires — the chemistry might not have been such that it worked .
23 When contemplating the history of the palazzo you have to wonder whether there might not have been some truth in an ancient prophecy made at the time when Alessi began work on the building .
24 He might just have been another guitar player who ended up playing back-up for a lot of people , which was what he was doing in America . ’
25 Thereafter both curves are identical suggesting that the patients who died immediately after surgery might possibly have been those whose life expectancy was less than two years .
26 The unlawfulness was generally to be found in the offence of unlawful assembly , but it might also have been another offence such as nuisance caused by obstruction of the highway .
27 In fact it might well have been that such developments generally attracted more labour than could be fully employed , which departed once the enterprise was terminated , leaving behind a sleepy farming community not unlike the fifteen undeveloped villages of Babergh hundred ( Table 2.18 ) .
28 There may always have been some in Mercia who did not approve of Offa 's Lichfield policy and the realization that London would be the ideal centre for the southern provinces offered a neat solution to a tangled ecclesiastical and political situation .
29 To accept that whatever she had done or promised or performed to maintain her position in Market Square then her choice could only have been that or the workhouse .
30 ‘ There could not have been much of a selection this time , then .
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