Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] put them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This does not make them invalid : one should merely put them in their appropriate context .
2 ‘ True , we must not put them in more danger than is needful .
3 Another reason that we should be against the Labour party is that we should not put them in a position to buck the trend .
4 You must n't put them in the front !
5 No , I should n't put them in the garage they 'll get damp there .
6 I 'll just put them in the bag cos I 've locked the door .
7 I 'll just put them in there .
8 Well I 'll just put them in there .
9 Well they just kind of recognized the principles do n't they but they do n't ensure that they 'll actually put them into practise .
10 He could not put them to the Committee and I look forward to seeing whether they can be put forward tonight .
11 My dear chap you could n't put them in a work of fiction .
12 Well you could n't put them in the car could you ?
13 We get so many people who have never ridden before , therefore we dare not put them on anything that is too high-spirited . ’
14 That may well put them at risk , but then the government does n't asses such things on the grounds of the impact on charity workers
15 But I still do n't know why Scano 's boy risked going to the villa unless they 've lost a guard too , which would really put them in difficulty .
16 Erm but of course to provide erm electricity on a larger scale , you ca n't put these things too close together , you need about er a thousand of those to , for example , to replace say a power station like Didcot and er and a thousand of these windmills would o occupy about three hundred square miles , and this is what three hundred square miles looks like er it 's , it 's the major part of , of central L you would n't put them in central London of course but erm gives you some idea of the sort of area you 'd have to devote to wind farms if you were to use this particular type of er of energy .
17 So these are the only ones we ca n't put them with .
18 ah ah , he ca n't put them on him properly !
19 Put the rest of them , I mean , i , i , i , in the storage binder or you know , or you can obviously put them in the active binder if you want to do .
20 Fish are very demanding for the draughtsman because one can not put them into an attractive or anthropomorphic pose ; what can sometimes be done is to show the scenery where the fish was caught .
21 No , I mean , oven chips you can just put them on the tray and bung them in the oven .
22 You can also put them in dry hair , but we suggest that you lightly spritz all over with water first .
23 You can actually put them in your washing machine .
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