Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted , according to the generally recognised rules of international law . ’
2 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
3 If you want to redirect the Printer output , you may so do with the following CLI commands : The following additional commands are only effective from within a CLI file or from redirected input .
4 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
5 It must not conflict with the cultural beliefs of the people .
6 A firm which is a tied firm must take all reasonable steps to inform itself and others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available from the marketing group to which it belongs , and must not proceed with a packaged product for a private customer if it is aware of another packaged product from the marketing group 's product range which would meet the customer 's requirements better .
7 It remains true , nevertheless , that if the members of the school wish , as they say they do , to write ‘ total history ’ , they must perforce deal with the relations between the properties of social wholes and those of individuals , which are the main focus of concessive holism .
8 ( Compare non-absolute transfers , or sales by way of mortgages which are outside the scope of the SGA 1979 but must nevertheless comply with the Bills of Sale ( 1878 ) Amendment Act 1882 ) .
9 There 's another aspect to what we do , and that is that I think we are part of a very powerful developing movement in education , and it is based on the concept that education should not stop with the terminal rituals of school and college , and that education should be as much part of life , wanting to know , to find out , to get to grips with the body of information and knowledge that 's available in society .
10 It will be argued that a party should stand by its beliefs : it should not bend with the wind and adopt views that happen to be popular .
11 The stent covered the entire stricture in each case and , as only the distal intrapancreatic portion of the CBD was stented with this unremovable material , it should not interfere with a possible future hepaticojejunostomy or choledocoduodenostomy .
12 Mr. Levy 's submission was that because of the decisions of the House of Lords in A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 ; In re W. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Jurisdiction ) [ 1985 ] A.C. 791 and In re M. and H. ( Minors ) ( Local Authority : Parental Rights ) [ 1990 ] 1 A.C. 686 the court should approach the exercise of its discretion in the case where ( as here ) the child is in the care of a local authority on the basis that , Parliament having entrusted the care of the child to the local authority , the court should not interfere with the local authority 's care of the child save in the most exceptional circumstances .
13 612 where it was held that a defendant had been validly committed for trial by justices notwithstanding that they had previously embarked on a summary trial but decided before the summary trial was concluded that in the circumstances they should not deal with the case and should commit the defendant for trial .
14 We should not gamble with the quality of our air .
15 Doctors should not collude with the authorities and ‘ medicalise ’ people who are suicidal .
16 I believe that we should not proceed with the Bill .
17 Oakeshott recognizes a morality inherent in the rule of law and suggests that to deliberate the jus of lex involves not deduction but a particular kind of moral consideration ; that the prescriptions of law ‘ should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility ’ of a people .
18 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
19 4.12 Employees who search empty property in order to safeguard any valuables or money must always go with a colleague .
20 The view was that radio should always speak with the same voice as the Government , aiming to educate and improve rather than entertain the public .
21 This entire magazine is aimed at unlocking the mind-set that says : overpopulation is the Third World 's worst problem , that therefore the poor have only themselves to blame for their poverty , and that therefore the solution should always begin with a family planning programme .
22 He must also comply with the terms and conditions of the issuing authority .
23 At the first meeting of the Security Council on May 20 Yeltsin warned the new body against trying to monopolize power as had the ex-Soviet State Security Committee ( KGB ) , saying that " the provision of security … should strictly comply with the law " .
24 The conclusion that His197 interacts directly with the benzhydryl of CP 96345 suggests that other nearby residues within the transmembrane domain should also interact with the antagonist .
25 The contract should also deal with the issue of provisions in that only excess provisions ( as defined ) have been taken into account should a warranty claim proceed .
26 All you have to do is study the picture printed on the Entry Form , circle the 10 deliberate d-i-y mistakes it contains , and locate the hidden bottle of Guinness Original , which you should also highlight with a circle .
27 This is undoubtedly an all European problem , United States , Canada , Japan , everyone else should be involved , er I think we should probably identify with the Soviet 's aid and help , hm , key projects like the conversion of military industry into consumer goods , er , like transport and communications , key areas of the economy where relatively small amounts of investment could produce big returns , and then finally it seems to me we should be extending to the Soviet Union for membership of er , international financial organisations like the world bank and the international monetary fund , whichever in criteria of course for helping countries and for integrating international aid to those countries .
28 Any such explanation must inevitably end with a declaration of his honourable intentions towards Clare .
29 Any discussion of his life must inevitably start with the legacy of his music which , 200 years later , still moves , delights , fascinates , and astounds us .
30 Such a process of education must inevitably commence with the young .
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