Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Honey decided that if she was going to get anywhere with these people she must not lose her temper .
2 Must not allow her senses any room to manoeuvre .
3 During the journey home she sat pondering this fact , at the same time realising she must not allow her thoughts to become emotionally involved with this devastating man .
4 There must be no encroachments : they must not appropriate her memories and make them theirs .
5 Antoinette , anxious that her illness should not upset her daughter in any way , agreed immediately .
6 Yet she must still get her daughter married .
7 Whereupon , declaring that no less precious food should thereafter pass her lips , the lady had , variously , starved herself to death or flung herself from the window , in which case her blood had forever coloured the ruddy rocks of Roussillon .
8 His sister , Catherine must now rebuild her life .
9 He must n't guess her secret now .
10 But even so he stripped her without haste , all the while keeping up a slow calculated assault on her senses , until the only thought she could cling to was that she must n't reveal her love .
11 Helen , you must n't tug her skirt so , you will quite part it from the waistband .
12 She should n't blame her twin ; Roman had said he wanted Dana close to him , and who could wonder if her did ?
13 ‘ They 're lovely , Rob , ’ she murmured , moving away so that he should n't see her weakness , and forcing herself to say , ‘ Luke told me that the party was a huge success .
14 yeah but er yeah there , there 's a gre there 's a great er it 's a great shame actually erm we may not have Jenny for very much longer , they may not renew her contract which will be a big shame .
15 Though this following comment may not affect her work performance as such , Muriel is a person with strong views generally , particularly about religion .
16 We ought not to think her departure worthy of editorial attention .
17 She might only lose her temper about once every five years , but when she lost it , boy , did she lose it , and events these last few days had been urging her dangerously near to boiling-point .
18 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
19 On the other hand , although Sebastian Grantham might not understand her reluctance , he would respect it .
20 The notion that Bonard 's sexual inclinations were more likely to be directed towards Alain Gebrec than herself might not enter her head .
21 I 'll just sound her heart again before we go . ’
22 ‘ Her eyesight 's not too good now , ’ she continued , as though that might somehow render her mother 's behaviour less odd , as though by mere words she could be converted into a harmless , ordinary , ageing old lady , just like other people 's mothers .
23 ‘ I 've had a few sharp , pithy words with my mother , and I do n't think she 'll ever treat her grandchildren like that again . ’
24 It would surely be over-hasty to argue that a mother , for example , who clearly preferred her showjumpers , or even her collection of books , to her children , was necessarily in the wrong ; she might nonetheless treat her offspring very well .
25 Although they continued throughout to support Mrs Thatcher , a number were known privately to have expressed the belief that a failure to secure outright victory on the first ballot might irretrievably damage her authority and force her to stand down .
26 ‘ Meg ! ’ said she — and I 'll always remember her words — ‘ Meg !
27 She 'll probably write her memoirs : she always had a yen to be a writer , though her pen dribbles cliches .
28 ‘ You 'll probably see her car parked .
29 ‘ We 'll also circulate her description , and if you have a good , recent photograph that would be very helpful . ’
30 She might even turn her head right round to see where the car had gone , but she would n't consider it important enough to jump off the glove .
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