Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] i the " in BNC.

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1 It does not follow that he could not say , ‘ You must now pay me the arrears of rent for the past year . ’
2 And I 'm glad enough to have you back , since you could not give me the grandson I hoped for — ’
3 Perhaps you 'd just tell me the details , and I 'll make one or two notes .
4 I mean , why did n't she tell me the truth , I can understand you know , I could , you know , I could perha if she 'd just tell me the truth you know tell me why she 's u , what she 's up to and that .
5 I wonder if you could possibly give me the address of the ‘ Dogs for the Disabled ’ charity , as I would like to send a donation but do n't know where to send it .
6 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
7 It was the part of Sabbo in Rope ; mind you , I had been offered two leading roles at other reps that could n't give me the vital Equity card — so Sabbo it was .
8 ‘ If you would just show me the route on this map , ’ says Robyn , without returning the smile , ‘ I 'd be most grateful . ’
9 I have a Roland U220 which would give me the sounds I want although I know it would not give me the great note-sequence loops which McLaughlin uses so beautifully .
10 ‘ Mr Updike would n't tell me the details of the accident .
11 ‘ Corps would n't tell me the latest position on the phone , sir , ’ Woodruffe said .
12 If I gave an interview I was the greatest guy in the world but if I said ‘ no , I want some time to myself ’ , they would n't give me the time of day .
13 If you have leisure , I 'd be grateful if you would kindly show me the castle ? ’
14 But you ca n't refuse me the pleasure of a dance — just one , for old times ’ sake ? ’
15 I can imagine a lot of beautiful things that , among their functions , will not tell me the time .
16 Alexandra said , ‘ You will both think me the poorest — sport , but I 'm going to refuse . ’
17 Not long ago he was on the phone to me moaning about Paul saying , he wo n't give me the time of day .
18 ‘ I ca n't do anything with the matter if you wo n't give me the details .
19 I 'm not saying they would , but what I 'm saying is if say we 're four per cent behind and Ken wo n't give me the exact price
20 Cos some people er er may think , you know , the agreement because I have split the load you can still charge me the same price and it may not be the case .
21 If they can change me from one to another by using hormones , they can now give me the male hormones and then I 've got everything I want . ’
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