Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Only users which were specified during the configuration of LIFESPAN RDBI may view LIFESPAN information within the relational database , and they may only view the same information as they have access to in LIFESPAN .
2 Now , I have put down reports about the finance committee er as it were but I think the responses from the churches and districts sort of calculator will be there , we think that it would seem as though we should only offer the same amount as last year .
3 I think you should all do the same questionnaire and the same survey but then if you can write it up separately .
4 I must not make the same mistake this time .
5 We must not make the same mistake again .
6 there is an argument , ha and it 's been put by er a a noted writed who 's recently written on the menopause that , work , and you should just make the most of being a crone or a hag or an old women !
7 He had reason to believe , he said , that the Normans in Herefordshire had made good use of the Roman building-materials ready to hand , and there was no reason why others should not do the same .
8 Determined that she should not go the same way as her sister , Jonadab Oaks had ruled Martha with a rod of iron ever since Tamar 's seduction by Sir William Forster .
9 If the LEA were to lay down as a condition of grant that we should have nothing to do with the University body , we should refuse the grant , and I do not see why Universities should not show the same loyalty to us .
10 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
11 ( The start-up of the Medical Negligence Panel should not pose the same problems as for the Personal Injury Panel .
12 The duke had been a loyal upholder of the house of York , a central figure in Edward 's polity ; there was no obvious reason why he should not occupy the same role under Edward V. In this respect , precedent was on Edward 's side .
13 The duke had been a loyal upholder of the house of York , a central figure in Edward 's polity ; there was no obvious reason why he should not occupy the same role under Edward V. In this respect , precedent was on Edward 's side .
14 ‘ It is well established that in certain cases a trading corporation may bring a suit in respect of an imputation on its trading reputation , and I see no reason why a non-trading corporation should not have the same rights as respects imputations on the conduct by it of its activities .
15 This partial closure should still allow the same amount of carbon dioxide to enter , as the carbon dioxide gradient would be greater in a higher carbon dioxide environment , but should reduce the loss of water vapour as the humidity gradient will be little altered .
16 Of course when you have done your transferring , the team must still satify the same criteria as before regarding positions , cost , 2 players per real team .
17 Naturally , it must always yield the same address from the same key .
18 When you fight a career fight you should always use the same boxer .
19 Since they both describe the process of the same variable , they must both give the same answer as each other for p ( ) t , whatever the values of , g , v t and in any period .
20 When participants are of equal status , they must both bow the same way and begin and end the bow at the same time .
21 The first requirement of your subordinate is that you should both have the same aims in the coaching session .
22 Thus the values , principles and skills which inform the latter should also inform the former .
23 Our analysis should clearly indicate the several blind alleys which Frey here explores .
24 Computer graphics should now make the same kind of inroads into feature film production that they already have in television .
25 Two I have burned and there may be — indeed there are — others which should immediately meet the same fate .
26 So he knows — we know — we thought we knew , though of course we may be wrong — that you should n't make the same mistake as he did , going into acting . ’
27 There was probably no ( easy ) alternative to the use of temporary workers ; and if they were to be employed , at least such workers should otherwise have the same rights as regular workers .
28 It is in that latter role that Fodor ( 1976 ) has exploited the use of ‘ translation ’ and made the inference that the lower-level code must therefore mean the same as the higher-level code , thus arguing in effect against what I called ‘ implementation independence ’ .
29 The landlord 's obligation to repay if those covenants are observed is , it is argued , inseparable from that associated obligation and must therefore possess the same characteristics as the covenants whose performance is secured by the associated obligation .
30 The source of illumination should ideally have the same spectral distribution as daylight ; most artificial light sources do not , although xenon discharge lamps do .
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