Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The making of a bankruptcy order may effectively lead to a professional no longer being able to practise in his or her profession , and therefore all possibility of income generation would be lost .
2 I understand that at the GATT negotiations , for example , we may eventually settle for a 30 per cent .
3 Although many parasites can probably attack a variety of related species in the initial development of the relationship , the parasite fine tunes its metabolism as the symbiosis progresses and may eventually adapt to a single species of the host .
4 If the shaman is exposed to the insidious effects of the fungus for too long he may eventually turn into a giant shaman mushroom .
5 We should also not rule out the possibility that one may properly look to a historical explanation , just as a historical explanation underlies the fact that the comparatives of tired and spoilt — derived from verbs — are analytic , as in : ( 56 ) Declan is more spoilt than Karen Declan 's mother is more tired than Karen 's mother rather than the synthetic forms — tireder , spoilter — which we should expect from the monosyllabic adjectives which they have become .
6 Even the certainties of hopelessness may paradoxically appear as a form of hope , promising to make reasonable what is unreasonable , namely hopelessness itself .
7 Because EPS files are stored with an accompanying bitmap they must be transferred in binary format and , owing to the screen problems , may only appear as a grey rectangle on the PC .
8 If you hold a full Great Britain licence but are currently disqualified in GB you may only apply for a provisional licence .
9 Any actuarial calculation must therefore be discounted to allow for the chance that he may only live for a shorter period .
10 This stands for Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering and erm under this scheme , a company erm can have a problem tackled by a research student working in a university and erm a supervisor , and indeed in this case , the input , the financial input , by the company may be quite small , may only amount to a few hundred pounds .
11 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
12 It does not exist where one of the parent companies may alone decide upon a joint venture company 's commercial activities .
13 The exploitation of ethnicity may perhaps work as a form of primitive accumulation of cultural capital , but it does nothing to enlarge the audience or scope of such work , which is why most artists and writers of any stature have rejected this appellation , even if they have benefited indirectly from it .
14 Kicked out of Footsie , Tarmac is trailing the class acts in building materials badly and must secretly wish for a German recession to unseat Redland and RMC from their pedestals .
15 And the depth of his ideological commitment to maintaining Israel 's hold over the West Bank rules out any acceptance of the principle that negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace .
16 Sec. should rather arrange for a pattern of feedback that will keep him continuously informed of actions taken .
17 I was on the grass below the paddock when Ronnie 's car pulled off the road with a completely inexplicable failure : inexplicable in that Ronnie could find no reason why his car , which had been going so well , should suddenly come to a halt .
18 This should obviously lead to an improvement in the situation but regardless of the size of the corpus there will always be some transitions that are not found .
19 Ellen wondered if she should perhaps look for a replacement , but put it off .
20 However campers should only stay for a night or two , be unobtrusive and sensitive to wildlife , and leave no litter .
21 This should only happen as a last resort in exceptional circumstances and if it does , you should take legal advice as soon as possible .
22 must not proceed for a private customer with any one packaged product if it is aware of another packaged product on the market which will meet the customer 's requirements better ; and
23 must not proceed for a private customer with a packaged product of , or arranged by , any person with whom the firm has a connection unless the firm believes on reasonable grounds that the product will meet the customer 's requirements better than any other packaged product on the market .
24 A firm which is a tied firm must take all reasonable steps to inform itself and others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available from the marketing group to which it belongs , and must not proceed with a packaged product for a private customer if it is aware of another packaged product from the marketing group 's product range which would meet the customer 's requirements better .
25 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
26 It is even arguable that we should just speak of a clannish ‘ Heraklid aristocracy ’ and not subdivide further .
27 Before leaving philosophical treatments of indexicals , we should just point to a subject of deep theoretical importance which lies well beyond the scope of this book — namely , the connection of indexical reference to the fundamentals of reference in general .
28 I am rather keen , and I 'm sure you are rather keen , that it should not end in a shabby way . ’
29 It should not lead to a restricted curriculum , and its use was set in the context of a range of other methods which ‘ use pupils ’ own talk , interests and writing as the starting point for further work' ( NCC 1989a : 33 ) .
30 Imposing a restriction which is true should not worsen the ability of the explanatory variables to explain the dependent variable or , alternatively , relaxing the restriction and allowing the estimators of to be different should not lead to a much better fitting equation if are in fact not different .
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