Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] [vb pp] and " in BNC.

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1 The Marketing Mix may effectively be described and analysed on the basis of the Four P's .
2 The guidelines say that embryos may only be frozen and stored if they are to be used for in vitro fertilisation later on .
3 When the subject enters the political arena and becomes politically controversial , we assume an elective silence on the political issues and confine ourselves , if we intervene at all , to constitutional or legal questions or views on practical matters affecting the law and its administration where our views may naturally be expected and sought .
4 Some other explanation of the solution must obviously be sought and is probably to be found in diurnal variations of the carbon dioxide content of the inshore waters .
5 The surface must not be touched and it must be stored in a cool dry place away from electrical equipment because it is magnetic .
6 The Community Care Support Force ( see pages 18–19 ) has completed its mission and left a legacy that difficult issues must not be fudged and that no one agency or interest group will get far alone .
7 However , that part of evolution which to modern man appears to be extremely cruel , must not be condemned and relegated to the depository of ‘ evil ’ for evil has no meaning in respect of evolutionary processes .
8 This last point must not be overlooked and may prevent large capital sums being passed under Gift Aid ( but see 6. below ) .
9 The need to train staff in the use of new equipment must not be overlooked and the pay-back period may be very long .
10 But the similarities must not be overgeneralized and the differences need to be acknowledged .
11 Many people on the continent agree with us that business must not be overburdened and that it should be allowed to make choices about how best to involve employees in the process of the business .
12 It is obvious that those doctors who practised the therapeutic community approach had doubts about the complete integration of psychiatric patients into general hospitals , which must perforce be organized and run in a radically different manner .
13 Accounting policies should normally be discussed and agreed during the main negotiations .
14 Like every church , like every Christian organisation , there were things being said and done in the Christian family in Rome that should not be said and done in a fellowship of Christ 's people .
15 What 's important is that Britain should adopt a positive role in the negotiations , very difficult negotiations , that lie ahead , and that Britain should not be isolated and that Britain should , in fact , be able to find a way forward with its partners .
16 added that lowering of embalming standards should not be tolerated and that trade embalming was not good enough .
17 Generally , interim payments should not be made and every attempt should be made to settle the claim by one payment .
18 That is not to say that sexual partners of people with recurrent candidal infection should not be sought and examined — many cases of treatment-resistant thrush are due to repeated reinfection by an asymptomatic carrier .
19 Above all , they should not be imposed and regulated by a central power .
20 The problems endured and created by large cohorts seem considerable and there is no reason why Easterlin effects should not be recognized and incorporated into other models .
21 As far as registered conveyancing is concerned , there seems no reason why the transfer should not be prepared and executed in triplicate ( or an original with examined copies ) , the original transfer being lodged at HM Land Registry , the duplicate being held with the second charge certificate and the third being retained by the husband as evidence of his release from the first mortgage and of the indemnity in respect of the second mortgage .
22 We engaged a solicitor to look into the matter and he became convinced that there was I wo n't say a loophole , that there was a reason why this should not be done and er requested the Committee of Management to Court for advice .
23 They requested that the advantages for the Gospel gained during the previous years should not be lost and that the King should support moves for unity amongst God 's people .
24 I will argue , in this paper that , although valuable information is currently being lost to history , it need not and it should not be lost and the time has come to prevent it .
25 If careful investigation reveals a secure and successful domestic situation , then there should be no reason why a child should not be adopted and raised by the couple .
26 The plan should not be formulated and then forgotten after grant for the first year has been obtained .
27 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
28 Product leaflets and other materials in support of submissions should not be discouraged and suppliers may well be requested to enclose relevant literature .
29 The importance of choosing the most appropriate hardware and software should not be underestimated and , as a corollary , a contract which provides a reasonable and fair machinery for identifying responsibilities and resolving disputes needs to be negotiated .
30 There is , it seems , absolutely no reason why Loxodonta africana should not be tamed and trained as readily as Elephas maximus .
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