Example sentences of "[be] to make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The depth of the recession facing Germany means that the boom must fall soon , and then about the only way for Siemens to save the company will be to make a major acquisition that finally puts it onto the world stage .
2 Meanwhile , as ministers ' eyes glaze over at the thousand ‘ what ifs ’ thrown up by war , they would do well to remember Lord Salisbury 's deflatingly modest dictum from more than a century ago : ‘ The first object of a treaty of peace should be to make a future war improbable . ’
3 Although a clash with the USSR was not considered a serious possibility until the late 1950s at the earliest , the British defence chiefs were arguing from April 1946 that the West 's ultimate aim should be to make a successful stand against a Soviet offensive as far to the east in Europe as practicable .
4 ‘ I 'm just coming , ’ called Lydia , thinking how amusing it would be to make a big splash and drowning noises , but even she knew that this would not be the action of a nice woman .
5 Perhaps the absolute effect of small campaigns may be negligible , but ultimately the sum total of these may be to make the public library service as a whole more visible .
6 The aim would be to make the much-criticised publication more ‘ user friendly ’ .
7 If one were to make the linear approximation of , none of the effects under consideration would be obtained .
8 These products and services are purchased in order that some specific organisational objective may be achieved , whether it be to make a new product , hold greater stocks , improve service and quality , or increase profitability .
9 The best way to explain this is to make a simple experiment .
10 MICHAEL Grade , head of Channel 4 , is to make a concerted attack on the movie world supremacy of television presenter Barry Norman .
11 The first need in such cases is to make a convincing case for the importance of the house , not only in architectural terms , but as the centrepiece of the park landscape .
12 Today , the gap between treasure hunters and archaeologists is considerable , and there is little possibility of confusing the two : the main aim of the treasure hunter is to make a financial gain from what is found , whereas the main aim of the archaeologist is to investigate the past .
13 Their function now is to make a good job of delivering the railway services that the PTEs and sectors want to buy from them .
14 Mr Stern 's costings tell him it is not worth paying more than £750/acre for bare arable land if he is to make a reasonable living .
15 It appears unlikely the A N C is to make a political issue out of the attorney general 's decision to put Mrs Mandela on trial .
16 And to be European in southern England , is to make a political statement against Thatcherism , philistinism , and English insularity .
17 In practice it is very difficult to decide what is representative ; perhaps the best method is to make a general study of several sections from the same sequence before proceeding to detailed description and analysis .
18 The best we can do is to make a close study of code switching and hope that it will provide an overall framework for understanding how the two perceived varieties , Creole and English , interact in conversation .
19 A useful method of detecting changes in the wind direction is to make a mental note of the point on the shore towards which you are sailing and use this as a reference point .
20 The fall is real enough ( remembering my earlier distinction between real and literal , p. 36 ) , and to take out the story of Adam and Eve is to make a terrible hole in the gospel .
21 The aim of this project is to make a substantial contribution to the sparse literature on the household sector in China during the reform period of the 1980s .
22 To say this is , it should be noted , is to make a theological point : since it is held that God is the creator , so that what is natural , and what is also found to be the case , must accord with what is God 's intention .
23 Thus , an idea on a social form of activity must be related to what is already known in sociology if our research is to make a genuine contribution to sociological knowledge .
24 IN A MOVE bound to both surprise and delight Didcot-based Castle , 5029 ‘ Nunney Castle ’ is to make a three-month visit to the East Lancs-Railway at Bury .
25 That is , they do this in every case except that of an exorcism ritual where the point is to make a deliberate display of violence and aggression , in the sense of ‘ intentionally causing suffering to another being ’ , to frighten the predatory spirits .
26 Generous merchants are rare beasts in the literature of any age , and to see this merchant 's generosity as entirely foolish , or purely representative of commercial self-interest , is to make a severe assumption .
27 For to say that ‘ God exists ’ is to make a metaphysical utterance which can not be either true or false .
28 A second approach is to make a detailed study of people 's language practices .
29 One possibility is to make a short section of DNA or RNA that can bind to a particular region of viral genetic material to form a double-stranded complex , just like the familiar double helix of cellular DNA .
30 The only way to discover exactly how much this all adds up to is to make a daily note of everything you spend , for a month .
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