Example sentences of "[be] seen as [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Prescriptive rules , on the other hand , are seen as directions for action .
2 In simple societies , whose collective sentiments are based on religion , all crimes ( even crimes such as murder ) are essentially ‘ religious criminality ’ : they are seen as offences against God or the gods .
3 However , so long as the figures are seen as illustrations of typical developments and not as a catalogue of all possible types of flow , this may not matter much .
4 Other energies , such as heat , are seen as manifestations of prana , rather than energies in their own right .
5 In public law , on the other hand , rules of standing are seen as rules about entitlement to complain of a wrong rather than as part of the definition of the wrong .
6 It is also a play in which mortals are seen as figures of infinite pathos in a universe controlled by the whims of a cruel fate and a capricious deity .
7 Symmetry about the vertical exerts powerful effects on figure-ground segregation in normal observers ; other factors being equal , symmetrical shapes are seen as figures against asymmetrical grounds .
8 Sometimes , child abuse and other forms of deviance are seen as symptoms of a more general ‘ moral decline ’ in society .
9 As before , exploitation and private property are seen as aspects of the same thing .
10 Deviations from norms of efficiency are regarded as political disloyalty , and political guidance , exhortation and criticism are seen as prerequisities of efficient management in Soviet industry and agriculture .
11 We blacks and coloured are seen as aliens from another country by our fellow Port Elizabeth citizens .
12 Greater involvement of practising teachers in the professional preparation of new recruits , the stipulation that a high proportion of teacher trainers directly involved with pedagogy should themselves have recent and successful experience of teaching and should create opportunities to renew this experience , and the setting of minimum periods for teacher-training courses and the practical elements within them — all these things are seen as ways of providing new teachers with greater and more effective assistance in the development of the necessary practical classroom skills .
13 Nevertheless , these are seen as modifications within the traditional adjudicatory framework .
14 Both have contended with disease and suffering , and have been seen as near-saints by a grateful and admiring public .
15 Those on the left who have dared not to act in moderation — the Hattons , Grants and Livingstones — have been violently pilloried , whilst their counterparts on the right — the Tebbits , the Brittans — have usually been seen as pioneers of reform .
16 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
17 Women may have been seen as valuables by which means weaker groups would try to marry their girls ‘ upwards ’ in the creation of alliances , resulting in the occasional movement of ornamental metalwork some distance from the regions where they are most commonly found , the core area of a social grouping .
18 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
19 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
20 Thus the various parts of the superstructure can be seen as instruments of ruling class domination and as mechanisms for the oppression of the subject class .
21 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
22 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
23 The boundaries of these crofts at Cosmeston can clearly be seen as earthworks in the field on the opposite side of the road to the village .
24 Pornography , prostitution and homosexuality continue to be seen as variations on a theme to this day , something we implicitly acknowledged when we adopted the word ‘ gay ’ as our own .
25 Findings discovered in this way should be seen as sources of hypotheses for further testing , not as results in themselves .
26 Bankers and tourism may be seen as signs of economic insecurity .
27 FEBRUARY , May and August could be seen as rehearsals for November 's main event so that what may have been a series of happenings in these months could lead to November 's denouement .
28 Many norms can be seen as reflections of values .
29 But , in so far as they are to be seen as sons of the lost primal mother , they clearly represent the manic alternative to the depressive self-punishment of the followers of Cybele or the castrated and killed sons of the Great Mother represented by Attis and Tammuz , by the dead and dismembered Osiris , or the crucified Christ .
30 Profiles of Development and other material based on the same principles can be seen as redefinitions of the National Curriculum .
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