Example sentences of "[be] seen from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't dare show a light — though I doubt whether a light could have been seen from the shore through the mist , and there was probably no one to see it — but I knew where things were .
2 They can extend the information given in the text , as has been seen from the discussion of the picture-book above .
3 In its guidelines on the DMS and other ‘ courses for managers ’ issued in 1979 the Council defined access to the Diploma — which had been seen from the outset as a postgraduate award — in terms of flexible entry : in addition to the broad treatment of management studies and its supporting disciplines it incorporated
4 Then visualize a mound , circular earthwork , or clump of trees , planted on these high points , and in low points in the valley other mounds ringed round with water to be seen from a distance .
5 Markstones buried in a hedge bottom or by the side of the road , tree clumps on prominent sites that can be seen from a distance , earthworks that might be indicative of an old sunken way , or indeed anything unusual on the line .
6 More of the Oberland mountains including the Niesen and Blumlisalp have now come into the panoramic view , and can be seen from a number of vantage points in striking perspective across the Lake of Thun .
7 The deliberate retention of the archaic style can be seen from a comparison with the head of the same deity , Athena , on a coin of Thurii of the late fifth century ( below ) .
8 The floor sloped slightly and the pews , which held 2,500 , were slightly curved so that the preacher ‘ can be seen from every part of the building ’ .
9 There is already a highly unsightly quarry here , whose disgraceful bulldozed track and workings can be seen from every hill in the area , as well as by every tourist arriving in Aberfeldy .
10 As can be seen from the tables , just about anything may affect a symptom .
11 There is after all more to research than can be seen from the tables , and the researcher in interpreting his [ sic ] results is inevitably — and rightly — influenced by all that has gone before , by his acquaintance with the raw material behind the figures and by his own judgement …
12 Moreover , mothers may have encouraged children to play on the road surface where they could be seen from the kitchen window instead of on the grass at the front where they could not .
13 As can be seen from the case of Costa v. ENEL [ 1964 ] ECR ( EC ) , within the Community 's legal system Community law prevails over national laws of member states .
14 An indication of the strength of the tournament could be seen from the presence of Fiji ( albeit not a first string seven ) and New Zealand provincial champions Canterbury , who defeated Australia in their pool , in the plate competition .
15 As can be seen from the composition of net migration flows from London to the rest of Great Britain ( Table 4.5 ) , this was particularly true for income groups ( as represented by socio-economic groups and housing tenure ) .
16 Historically , the standard of diligence set by the courts has been comically low , as can be seen from the cases concerning failure to supervise fellow directors and managers who turn out to have been defrauding the company .
17 This can be seen from the cases reviewed in Chapter 15 : and see especially 15.3 .
18 This makes perhaps the most inportant breeding area in Britain for this threatened bird — and bitterns can be seen from the hides here more regularly than anywhere else .
19 Sometimes these conditions have been only temporary , as can be seen from the history of many agricultural industries .
20 Easky 's spire could be seen from the back window from many miles away .
21 The top shelf needs to be high enough for the monitor to be seen from the back of the room over rows of heads .
22 Of the mountains , An Teallach is the finest and can be seen from the road at Dundonnell , and Slioch is a familiar object overlooking Loch Maree in the south , but those in the inner fastnesses are out of sight or imperfectly glimpsed .
23 Right so the first thing we , as a crime prevention officer , we , well I look at anyway , is surrounding areas of a house that ca n't be seen from the road .
24 You ca n't be seen from the road , is there anything else that might put you off ?
25 This may be seen from the range of those who went to press on the subject in 1989 and 1990 .
26 This difference in the crop can be seen from the air , although unfortunately not all crops respond to differences in moisture in such a visible way .
27 Its many rivers can still be seen from the air , etched like fossils across the desert 's blank expanses .
28 The third was tall enough to be seen from the sea , both east and west of the island .
29 It will be seen from the text of the section that it does not require a Letter of Request to be issued ; an application may be made directly by any interested person , a litigant , a foreign government official , or a prosecutor such as the English Director of Public Prosecutions .
30 I am referring particularly to European monetary union with a social dimension , coupled with aspirations towards European political union which , as can be seen from the debates that we have had in the House and those on the continent , means many different things to many different people .
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