Example sentences of "[be] made [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There have been a number of studies of poverty in the UK that have been made over the past twenty-five years that have consistently indicated that a substantial minority of people may experience serious relative deprivation .
2 Contact has been made between the Dutch and the English hooligans and arrangements are in hand to erm effect meetings in Sardinia , yes .
3 ‘ The jump has been made between the scientific debate about passive smoking and the law , ’ says Peter Cashman , solicitor for the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations ( AFCO ) .
4 An encouraging agreement has been made between the Lithuanian Government and Poland on the ethnic Poles in Lithuania , which we support .
5 Peace had been made between the British , French , Spanish and Colonial Governments .
6 A wide range of comments have also been made about the simplistic nature of the grids as specifiers of where investment should be placed .
7 To counter-balance any shortcomings on the domestic front claims have frequently been made about the major contribution which financial services rendered to the economy through invisible exports .
8 IMPORTANT discoveries have been made about the early history of Glasgow Cathedral during recent archaeological excavations .
9 No inquiries have been made into the 240 Ulster soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country instead we see them being framed by our so called police force and left to spend their lives in a prison cell for crimes they did n't commit .
10 On the date when delivery should have been made under the first contract , the market price was 70s .
11 Regulations have been made under the Civil Aviation Acts of 1949 , 1980 and 1982 which empower Inspectors of Accidents to do these things .
12 However , the Consumer Transactions ( Restrictions on Statements ) Order 1976 has been made under the Fair Trading Act 1973 ( The procedure for making these orders is explained at paragraph 16–40 below ) .
13 The way that had been made through the fallen rock was very narrow and uneven and to take John out he was laid on a board and pushed along as if on a sledge .
14 An approach towards more coordinated wage negotiations has been made via the annual ‘ Spring Wage Offensive ’ which takes place on a nation-wide basis , and in which many unions participate .
15 The probability is that beads from English Neolithic long barrows and enclosures and described as made of shale or inferior jet came from the Kimmeridge locality in Dorset where bracelets are known to have been made during the Early Iron Age .
16 Here and there minor changes in field boundaries may have been made during the past 150 or 200 years , but on the whole the enclosure map lays down the present-day pattern exactly .
17 Significant changes have been made during the past few months .
18 Composing himself , Sir Michael pressed on : ‘ Would my Right Honourable Friend reflect on the great progress that has been made during the last 10 years in the well-being of our country and the competitiveness of our industries and …
19 But , by transforming , progress has also been made towards the first three goals : the batches are more symmetrical and bell-shaped , and some of the outliers in the original batch were not really unusual values , but merely a product of the upward straggle of the raw numbers .
20 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
21 Scientific reference to these protozoa has been made since the early 1930's .
22 Great advances have been made since the early days of computing , when specialist skills were needed for such interaction .
23 Another distinctive type of patinated metalwork , known as bidri , has been made since the seventeenth century or earlier and is produced in India to this day ( fig. 5.17 ) .
24 Proposals for a Trans-Siberian had been made since the 1850s , but it was famine and political disorder in the East at the beginning of the last decade of the century which finally prompted the building of the line .
25 I am sure you are as appalled as I am at the use that has been made of the private letter of a schoolboy to his parents , but it is certainly a lesson for you in the ways of the world . ’
26 Much has been made of the traumatic aspect of being born , yet infants of all species have been born since bearing began and it would be surprising if natural processes did not allow for the experience .
27 Up to the present in this chapter no mention has been made of the eliminatory processes — defaecation and urination .
28 Still it suggests that some profit might even have been made of the Tilberthwaite work .
29 Due to a lack of adequate accommodation no precise analysis has yet been made of the ex-German holdings .
30 In addition some criticism has been made of the new hang as focal paintings viewed down the gallery vistas — for example Raphael 's ‘ Sistine Madonna ’ — are no longer seen in isolation , but comments in the German press and from museum curators have on the whole been overwhelmingly enthusiastic .
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