Example sentences of "[be] those who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly notable are those who use the Course itself as an access device .
2 American zoologists and botanists were , like those elsewhere , divided into ‘ lumpers ’ and ‘ splitters ’ : lumpers are those who apply a coarse taxonomy , putting into one group individuals which may differ quite widely ; whereas splitters use a fine taxonomy , making species where lumpers saw only races or varieties .
3 The people who make the biggest contribution to profit are those who take a pride in being the best .
4 However , there are those who take the view that , on the day of the actual birthday , they would rather have a smaller celebration with the immediate family .
5 The truest Friends of The Earth are those who fight the natural Foes of The Earth .
6 ‘ . When a man says he will follow him ‘ but let me first say farewell to those at my home ’ , Jesus reprimands him , and when a woman cries out ‘ Blessed is the womb that bore you , and the breasts that you sucked ’ , he replies ‘ Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God ’ .
7 The dominant characteristic of political decision-making when compared with market mechanisms is not that those who benefit from public expenditure are those who make the most noise politically .
8 The influential are those who get the most of what there is to get …
9 NO PLACE ‘ There are those who argue the Secretary of State was wrong to grant consent to Wilton power station and they say that , because he was wrong consent , should be refused for transmission connections , ’ he said .
10 Now , yes I mean i i in , in terms of two thousand calories a day it , it s it seems to be six hundred and fifty , seven hundred calories , er seven hundred , right , now th th there are those who argue the hundred and fifty is starvation level .
11 The Olympic cynics are those who provide the gift horses , not those who question their presence .
12 ‘ But there are those who blame the present plight of Minginish on the misdeeds of the past .
13 In fact it something called the ‘ Gospel According to Shug ’ , which is meant to be taken seriously : ‘ HELPED are those who love the lesbian , the gay and the straight , as they love the sun , the moon and the stars .
14 On the other hand are those who offer a more radical agenda to our study of the past .
15 Words are taking on new meanings : ‘ workers ’ are those who talk the loudest , and the honest worker who shows the slightest independence is a ‘ traitor to his class ’ .
16 When viewed in this light it should not be surprising that the loudest , most powerful voices being heard in the name of animal welfare — at least in the United States — are those who have a vested interest in the perpetuation of animal exploitation .
17 1'Entrepreneurial' capitalists are those who have a substantial stake in their own firm .
18 There the voter chooses just one candidate on a list ; the total number of votes received by a party 's candidates determines its proportionate entitlement of seats ; and the candidates elected to fill them are those who have the most votes .
19 It should not be forgotten that , in addition to those being regulated , there are those who have the power to influence the composition of the accounts , thereby manipulating the directions for change that they consider desirable .
20 All of us as women have the right and and the ability to give birth , that is if we can , there 's nothing , er , medically wrong with us but then added to that there are those who have the ability to be good mothers , un unfortunately I do n't happen to fall into that category .
21 I suppose there are those who enjoy a good evening 's revising ; but there ca n't be many .
22 There are those who see the drying out of the continental interiors as a more significant consequence of climate change than sea-level rises .
23 From a similar ideological stance as the ‘ trainers ’ are those who see the purpose of adult education with the unemployed as being either therapeutic — easing the process of adjustment and thereby acceptance — or controlling — ensuring that potentially disruptive elements in society are neutralised .
24 There are those who see the destiny of the Third World as bound up with the adoption of all that is ‘ modern ’ , often embodied in the products and practices of the TNCs .
25 Those who tend to vote against an incumbent government are not those who have become unemployed : rather , they are those who see the government as a weak and incompetent one .
26 The best people to recruit are those who understand the real meaning of profit and how their own unique skills relate to it .
27 Back in Britain , there are those who believe an American style legalistic approach to problems of workplace stress could soon be coming over here too .
28 THERE will be those who portray the report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration on the Barlow Clowes Affair as a triumph for the British system of financial regulation .
29 Against him are ranged Panama 's middle classes and officers with a grudge : when promotion is based on loyalty rather than ability , there will always be those who advocate a coup .
30 And finally , a greater diversity of provision , a mixed economy of welfare , is expected to develop and the public social services are expected to move from the role of monopoly provider into that of the ‘ enabling authority ’ who , by developing their purchasing , contracting , and planning role , will in part be providers in a market but will also be those who create a market of care services which takes account of local needs and demands .
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