Example sentences of "[be] now [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hanger has also threatened to kill his parents who live in Bath , and they 're now under guard at a police safe house .
2 As you know , I am now in debt to the extent of about 700 gulden and have n't the faintest idea how I am going to support myself , Mamma and your sister on my monthly salary … this is the first time I have got into debt .
3 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
4 The Police have estimated that at least 8,000 miners are now at work in the area .
5 On that lovely September morn the Prime Minister entoned , calling us to battle " and consequently we are now at war with Germany " .
6 Solicitors who do not tell their clients in advance as much as they can about the likely cost of a piece of work — or exceed an estimate without notice — are now at risk of having their charges reduced by the Law Society under its powers to penalise Inadequate Professional Services .
7 Brent Charlie MMSC are now on course for the next safety milestone of one million manhours without a LTI .
8 Under the supervision of Sandra Moschini of the Venice Soprintendenza ai Beni artistici e storici and designer Mario Semino , the most important pieces are now on show in two rooms , the first covering medieval work with scratched decoration , the second from the Renaissance to the eighteenth century including the collection 's maiolica .
9 The tickets are now on sale at £12.00 each .
10 Tickets are now on sale at usual outlets .
11 Tickets , which are limited , are now on sale at £3.50 each .
12 St Teresa 's Hospice car stickers are now on sale at 50p each and should soon be appearing all over town .
13 Tickets are now on sale for the Junior Sport Open on Hemlington Lake , Saturday April 4 , 50 pegs .
14 Tickets are now on sale for another raffle with a first prize of more than £60 worth of CDs .
15 Anyway I gather from my office cleaner that tickets from Oxford are now on sale to their season ticket holders and members , and will be on sale soon to public people who get a voucher from this saturday 's game .
16 Once found in the heart of Soho , Italian breads are now on sale in many supermarkets .
17 The Liassic ( Lower Jurassic ) rocks of Europe furnished many of the magnificent specimens which are now on display in museums .
18 ‘ Tom Thumb ’ left a set of his own clothes as a comparison and both are now on display in Stamford Museum .
19 However the main focus is on the Honours which are now on display in the Crown Room .
20 X/Open Co Ltd has wheeled out the latest release of its XPG portability guide — version 4 — with president , Geoff Morris , claiming that end users have now procured some $7bn of systems and software based upon its open systems standards , and that over 500 branded products are now on offer from 50 or more suppliers .
21 Erosion has also revealed many fossils in the past — the bones of a dinosaur were discovered here in 1913 and are now on view to the general public in the museum at Dorchester .
22 Its magnificent sculptured bronze doors still exist but are now on view inside the church , hung on the inner side of the west portal .
23 Until now , there was little we could do about this , but complaints have been taken seriously and discussions are now under way between OFTEL , the Office of Telecommunications , and the British Direct Marketing Association ( BDMA , representing companies who use telesales ) .
24 Phase II trials on Aids patients are now under way in Britain , France and Italy to assess its efficacy .
25 These trials are now under way in 12 hospitals to confirm the efficacy of gangliosides in diabetic neuropathy .
26 Residents of the Shetland Isles are now under threat from toxic fumes released in the oil tanker crash .
27 Not only is Martin Frears arrested and the other two members of the gang , but also the parents of Sandro are now under arrest in Lugano prison here in Switzerland , southern Switzerland .
28 Experiments are now in progress on afield scale to produce biomass crops , ie , those that will produce the maximum amount of organic material in the shortest time from a given area of land .
29 Large tracts of Scotland are now in receipt of assistance from the European Commission , recognising the plight of industry in this country .
30 As a result the Social Democrats are now in government in 10 of Germany 's 16 Länder , or states , and have a 37–31 majority in the Bundesrat , the second chamber of the federal parliament .
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