Example sentences of "[be] about [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Living costs are about the same as Britain .
2 In other words , instead of almost doubling year by year , last we are about the same , we have n't got all the confirmations , we 're about the same as we were the year before , give or take a few , about say five percent .
3 The proportion of voters identifying with the Conservative party is about the same as in 1964 ( although Labour 's fall has been steep ) and the party 's share of the vote in 1983 and 1987 was actually slightly less than in 1979 .
4 It is about the same as we can anticipate in the next century , on the basis of currently predicted rates of greenhouse warming , according to scientists like Tom Wigley , Director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia .
5 This is despite the fact that its acreage of farmland is about the same as that of the United States , a nation that has become the world 's greatest grain exporter .
6 And as for the future , the economist 's forecast is about the same as the weatherman 's : cloudy at best , more likely bleak .
7 The next step , then , is to ask a good friend ( preferably one whose height is about the same as yours and whose appearance you admire ) to take his or her own measurements .
8 They verified both predictions , and calculated the effective mass of a moving soliton. it is about the same as an electron 's mass .
9 The standard size of a bath is 1700 x 700mm , which is about the same as the old 5ft 7in x 2ft 4in bath , which you might be replacing .
10 Very , very roughly , however , the cost of ‘ industrial ’ timber is about the same as that of commercial mild steel per lb .
11 Tear resistance is about the same as texturised nylon but abrasion resistance is less .
12 If the mass is about the same as that of the Sun , the core will shrink when the hydrogen runs low , while the outer layers will expand and cool .
13 Stroke risk decreases significantly in two years and is about the same as for nonsmokers after five years [ 8 ] .
14 The abortion ratio for teenagers in England and Wales of about 500 per 1,000 live births is about the same as that of other industrial countries except for Japan , Denmark , and Sweden where the ratio is about 1,500 per 1,000 live births ( Clearie et al .
15 It was er The village centre is about the same as it was when I was a boy , more busier of course , all the private houses that were on the front , you know , Street ?
16 For example , the number of unconnected words we can hold in immediate memory is about the same as the number of unrelated digits , even though a word contains much more information than a digit .
17 Yeah but like I 've still got more than well it 's about the same cos you 've got less at the top I think .
18 Erm , the other thing I 'd like to draw your attention to is para six point one , just a little tabulation there , because what they 're saying is that on the number of cuts per specification , that 's what exists now , er three hundred and twenty eight thousand , that 's about the same as this year , er if you go to the hundred millimetre cut , which is what we 're suggesting we do on a trial basis , the cost to the County Council will amount to another hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year .
19 Assuming that income per member was about the same as in 1893 , the membership at the end of 1895 was about 4,700 .
20 The exceptions were for the square where performance in the two tasks was about the same and for the rhombus where " diamond " was accepted as a response to the naming task .
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