Example sentences of "[be] only [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They are only suffered in such places in order to appear respectable in the eyes of the Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers ( AFBD ) .
2 Another example is Beatrix Potter , who has recently undergone a great deal of research to establish which are truly ‘ firsts ’ and which are only reprints without any indication of the fact .
3 This is particularly so when it is remembered that certificates are only granted in those cases where there are reasonable grounds for taking action .
4 The percentage of synonyms to be expected for any given case , assuming that record allocation to addresses is entirely random and that synonyms are only stored after all home records , is as follows :
5 There should be no long pauses — as you are only listening at this stage
6 I in particular , bearing in mind the point that er Mr i is making , that er newts seem to be as it were very choosy in where they er go , bearing in mind the existence of at least three other ponds in Skelton , I would like to know whe how er why it is or whether it is that newts are only found in this pond , and whether or not er the the survey has shown anything in either of er in any of the other ponds .
7 We will review the charitable status of independent schools with the intention of ensuring that the benefits of charitable status are only awarded to those institutions that make a genuine contribution to the wider community .
8 Nevertheless if they were going to fly again they were gon na pay for a seat and they 're only looking for some recompense towards a new new ticket what 's wrong with sending them a voucher y'know , a properly produced voucher that we c that 's controlled properly by and all they do is guarantee any travel at their normal travel agent , do the business , attach the voucher to the B S P
9 I mean we 're only talking about half an hour or so er at some time around about eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning .
10 So we 're only talking about half a dozen
11 I 've got ta , I think people are so un-organised with Christmas , you 've got to be organised , you 've got to say like , you know , I 'm only going to those shops , you know , if like like now , say so we went in Boots
12 I 'm only talking about this country .
13 You were only saved by this new wonder drug , penicillin . ’
14 Indeed they were only introduced after much discussion and some opposition from the auditing industry .
15 His 70 appearances were only improved over that period by the evergreen John McCormick , goalkeeper John Jackson and the much younger Mel Blyth , and they tell us something of the fitness and sheer determination of the man .
16 As has been described , radiometer readings are not used in the eventual measure , and were only included in some of the trials as a check .
17 He 's only looking at that bit .
18 Erm it 's only coming from this way .
19 But it 's only happening in some less developed countries .
20 Exultation comes and goes , but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel .
21 When you consider that the event is only played on this side of the Atlantic once every four years I do n't think that the decision-makers at the BBC did the event justice , particularly with all the hype which went before it .
22 The value to the holder , apart from the intrinsic expertise developed , is only rewarded in some local education authorities where an extra scale point may be offered to an otherwise fully qualified teacher on successfully completing a Diploma course .
23 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
24 Provision for deferred tax is only made for any differences when they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable future , and no provision is usually made for deferred tax assets .
25 This pessimism is only confirmed by many dominant social attitudes about the crucial importance of the parenting role , particularly for the mother .
26 But , there will also be many instances where the oven is only working to half or less than half of its full capacity for most of the day .
27 This is a permanent method of contraception and is only recommended for those who are absolutely sure that they do not want any more children .
28 This is a permanent method of contraception and is only recommended for those who are absolutely sure that they do not want any more children .
29 These works make explicit what is only suggested in this livret the opening number of the work serves as a processional for the instrumentalists and some or all of the singers and dancers that brings them into the performing space .
30 In fact he was only beaten in this twice on Ulster roads .
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