Example sentences of "[be] not of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And he concluded : ‘ I find that the defendants have failed to satisfy me that the dogs are not of the type known as the pit bull terrier .
2 One can not overlook the fact that you yourself are not of the nobility — let alone of royal blood ! ’
3 His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness ; he was fashioned for finer things .
4 So u what Everything we 're reading in here is to do with believers , not not nothing to do with the people who are not of the faith .
5 That question was thought to have been partially settled by the House of Lords in United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley BC [ 1978 ] AC 904 where it was held that prima facie time limits are not of the essence , with the result that if a time limit is missed the review can still take place .
6 The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless .
7 What prompts it is the truth that many of the general propositions fundamental to science , most notably many of those dignified with the name of laws , are not of the form of ordinary causal generalizations or ordinary nomic but non-causal generalizations .
8 That is , they are not of the form exemplified at the end of the last section when it was said that if cc was a causal circumstance for e , then there is the true generalization that all circumstances of the type of cc , even if certain other events or conditions occur , are followed by events of the same type as e .
9 Then , using Lemma 3 , we have for general P , Q , R : unc Now because the few elements F of the first set which are not of the form unc are easily proved ( using the laws ) equivalent to ones that are , using the laws , e.g. unc By our assumption that the result holds for finite processes this in turn is equal to unc Since we are in the process of setting up powerful machinery for dealing with finite programs ( for example Theorem 1 ) there are advantages in only having to prove new laws for them .
10 A pity , in a way , that the dancing would be merely metaphorical : this was a house large enough to accommodate dancing , but their friends were not of the dancing classes , would gaze in astonishment , alarm , sophisticated horror , intellectual condemnation , at dancing in a private house … another year , perhaps , for the dancing .
11 He would have been happier with a committee , but the owners , of whom several rented rather than owned their boats , were not of the substance from which committees are formed .
12 There must be equality of rights for all citizens regardless of nationality ; and there could be no excuse for discrimination against any of them , nor for ‘ extremist gatherings ’ which had terrorised local people who were not of the majority affiliation .
13 But I think it 's fair to say that the changes in the n nine , early nineteen eighties particularly those which gave the unions a predominant position in choosing the leader , were not of the unions ' making , certainly not of the G M B's making , as I know from personal experience at the time .
14 It is not quite clear what he meant by this ; the point may well be not that the new kings — Eardwulf in Northumbria , and Coenwulf in Mercia — were of non-royal stock but that they were not of the lineage , respectively , of Aethelred and Offa — but it could easily be construed as a slur .
15 A similar distinction lies at the base of J. R. Walsh 's treatment of the muftis : doubtless writing about a period later than that under consideration in the present study , he states , in regard to what Hezarfen would call the that aside from the occasional retired kadi or " a member of one of the local learned families in the larger cities , … the were not of the class " .
16 The product is defective in the sense that is not of the standard that Alice expected .
17 No one but yourself was in the house when I came , barring the cook , who is not of the household .
18 At the present stage of scientific development , it is surely sad that a healthy human fetus should be destroyed merely because it is not of the sex the mother prefers .
19 The principle does not apply for anisotropic materials , where the " decay length " after which stresses are uniform is not of the order of one diameter d but rather of order where E , G are the longitudinal Young 's and shear moduli respectively and C is a constant ( Horgan 1972 ) .
20 Annoyed as we may be at having the cardinal terms left thus undefined ( for Pound proceeds no further towards defining them ) , we are compelled to see that this criticism is not of the chalk-or-cheese , sheep-and-goats variety ; the discrimination proposed is more subtle — between a quality in poetry that is ‘ nearly always ’ a virtue ( ’ I can think of no case where it is not' ) , and an opposite quality that is ‘ not always ’ a fault .
21 The echo of that street-market record stall still lingers in Street 's insatiable appetite for new music , for , unlike many in-demand producers , Stephen is not of the opinion that music stopped evolving in 1975 !
22 Further , the terms of section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 are clear and they are mandatory in form , to the extent that if the justice is not of the opinion that the person is not likely to surrender to custody , or has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , the justice has to grant him bail subject to the same conditions , if any , as were originally imposed .
23 At Dunyveg there is a castle built on a rock almost surrounded by the sea and possibly on the site of a much older dun , but this important Macdonald stronghold is not of the period we are considering .
24 At Dunyveg there is a castle built on a rock almost surrounded by the sea and possibly on the site of a much older dun , but this important Macdonald stronghold is not of the period we are considering .
25 Close attention to the words on the paper is not of the essence , and is regarded as potentially counter-productive .
26 We would like the photo back at some time but after nearly 40 years , time is not of the essence .
27 Sometimes the court lays down a prima facie assumption applicable to a certain kind of provision ( eg the rule that time is not of the essence of a rent review timetable ) .
28 It should also state whether time is or is not of the essence at any of the procedural stages .
29 If it is not clear that time is of the essence of a particular procedural provision , the presumption that time is not of the essence will apply ( Panavia Air Cargo Ltd v Southend-on-Sea BC [ 1988 ] 1 EGLR 124 ) .
30 By contrast , where time is not of the essence for the service of a landlord 's notice calling for a rent review , mere delay by the landlord , however lengthy and even if coupled with hardship to the tenant , does not of itself destroy the contractual right which the landlord has to serve a notice .
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