Example sentences of "[be] not the [det] thing " in BNC.

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1 Shame and penance are not the same things .
2 Perceptions are not the same thing as knowledge , but they are what the holder of the perception believes to be knowledge .
3 Remember that quotations and estimates are not the same thing , and that a low estimate can very easily turn into a high bill .
4 Kähler 's insistence that faith and historical research are not the same thing is obviously valid .
5 Although they recognize that social relations , discourses , and language are not the same thing , their practice tends to belie this .
6 However , scientific problem-solving and public policy-making are not the same thing , and Carter as a policy-maker was ‘ a scientific man searching for certitude in an area of human experience , that of political conflict , which lacks mathematical or material certitude . ’
7 It is not the same thing , ’ she had said , ‘ they are not the same thing . ’
8 Mourning and depression are not the same thing .
9 But of greater importance for the social anthropologists themselves is that in many societies the distinction between biological kinship and sociological kinship is quite clearly recognized and the degree of their identification or dissociation is a matter of formal rules : " Copulation and marriage are not the same thing " or : " Copulation and marriage are the same thing " as the case may be .
10 ‘ Peers and friends are not the same thing … ’
11 Peers and friends are not the same thing .
12 It should be noted that an omission is not sufficient for unlawful act manslaughter and that neglect ( omission ) and negligence are not the same thing .
13 Whereas Russia is erm , is to do with the Cold War situation but I take Michael 's point that fascism and communism are not the same thing and to say that he has fascist ideas does not necessarily mean that he therefore represents Russia in this political equation
14 No they 're not the same thing , er , cooperatives are er , organizations of workers who come together to provide services , and the County Council has actually provided some support and enabled them to get started .
15 My idea of a nature reserve and what I was actually looking at were not the same thing at all .
16 But self-confidence in the sense of psychological certitude is not the same things as absolute certainty in the philosophical sense .
17 ‘ It is not the same thing .
18 The struggle to decipher has been presented as a good thing in itself , though construing sentences is not the same thing as achieving intellectual understanding .
19 The political and financial capital already invested in the Channel tunnel project should ensure it bores on somehow — but that is not the same thing as Eurotunnel 's survival .
20 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
21 ‘ Seeing through a glass darkly ’ , he once told an ecumenical committee , ‘ is not the same thing as an ecumenical fog. , After the war he began to travel to meetings as a consultant .
22 We can account for what he was doing with his time , but this is not the same thing as explaining how or why the tone of voice — that vigour , that distinctively Lewisian freshness and vitality — was so long in coming .
23 You know it when you experience it , but it is not the same thing as standards of living or GNP ; it is not quantifiable and not necessarily ‘ environmental ’ .
24 Yet getting talks started — whether between the Europeans and Iraq or , better still , the Americans and Iraq — is not the same thing as avoiding war .
25 And — because this is not the same thing — which aspects of life do we perceive as zero or nonzero sum ?
26 But survival is not the same thing as reproduction a d there is likely to be a trade-off .
27 It does not need great intelligence or ‘ professionalism ’ to realise that the dispersal of those kinds of books is not the same thing as clearing popular fiction .
28 What do you need ? ( which is not the same thing ! )
29 Which is not the same thing as saying they do n't exist : the question remains open .
30 Indicating that all supervisory staff have a training responsibility is not the same thing as having a ‘ suitably augmented team ’ .
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