Example sentences of "[be] not [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But should we assume the same training is required by the lion 's share of our undergraduates who are not destined for academic careers ?
2 The key point about all the objects collected is that their provenance is known ; they are not collected for aesthetic merit alone .
3 These doubts are not examined for academic purposes , nor are they treated in a critical way .
4 They may take themselves rather too seriously and are full of ‘ in ’ jokes and references , but then they are not intended for general consumption .
5 The test results for each stove are for guidance only and are not intended for direct comparison .
6 Please not that you are not covered for consequential loss under this service .
7 Please note that you are not covered for consequential loss under this service .
8 You are not covered for consequential loss .
9 Autocar & Motor is unobtainable at 99 per cent of newsagents ; they wo n't sell it because they are not reimbursed for unsold copies .
10 Because of this amnesty requirement , Hanoi is insisting that each separate name has to be cleared , to ensure that individuals are not wanted for ordinary offences .
11 Clay icons are classified as ‘ temporary ’ or ‘ occasional ’ and are not designed for permanent installation in temples .
12 Side walls are not needed for curved steps : they create their own supporting structure
13 This table gives the numbers of each moneyer 's coins in each hoard ; an x denotes that these are not known for certain .
14 These findings indicate that nociceptive neurones control mechanisms of defence against acute injury but are not required for rapid repair of injured mucosa .
15 RIGHT Although head collars which attach over the dog 's nostrils are now widely-available in place of a neck collar and leash , they are not recommended for short-faced breeds such as the bulldog , as shown here .
16 Provided that the instructions on the indications for such remedies as the tissue salts are carefully followed , and that they are not taken for long periods , they may be of benefit .
17 Libraries are not used for general scanning-type purposes but only for specific tasks .
18 They 're not designed for human bodies so that 's small machines only !
19 The result of our review [ of funding ] , contrary to my expectations was that we were not under-resourced for Mental Illness Services .
20 These are included for comparison as they were not tested for precise position-independent and copy-number dependent expression .
21 Theoretically this influence could have been eliminated by including controls ( patients ) who were not scheduled for biliary/ hepatic surgery .
22 In return , the non-Muslims , although officially regarded as second-class citizens , were free to practise their religion and most were not conscripted for military service .
23 The systems were not designed for devolved budgets and the rapid proliferation of small self-supporting business units trading in an internal market place .
24 He can also make policy decisions and give effect to them , as , for instance , was often done when prosecutions were not brought for attempted suicide .
25 In fact , prior to 1970 , these surveys were not published for public debate — a serious criticism of the PESC .
26 This may be defined as care provided by family , friends and neighbours which is not organized via a statutory or voluntary agency and is not undertaken for financial reward .
27 Nothing new about that : the UN 's Fund for Population Activities , who produced the Report , is not noted for plain speaking .
28 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
29 The IAEA wants to be there to check whether fuel rods have been removed in the past , and to ensure that the spent fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
30 MAFF ( and DAFS ) have also commented that the scope for Article 20 was limited in the UK ; this seems to pay little regard to the plight of on-farm woods and overlooks the point that the aid is not intended for large scale afforestation but for more modest schemes .
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