Example sentences of "[be] not [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 You are not aiming for some exact scientific precision ( if absolute precision is needed , you can use pen and paper ) , but you are meeting and communicating with another adult human being .
2 are not based on some economic theory but on things I and millions like me were brought up with : an honest day 's work for an honest day 's pay ; live within your means ; put a nest egg by for a rainy day ; pay your bills on time ; support the police .
3 Quite often leases are not granted until some years after the agreement for lease with the result that the fair copy has to be typed on to the landlord 's solicitor 's updated wordprocessing system .
4 They are not looking for some chopped-down Open University course . ’
5 It is a fact that very few draft reports are not amended in some respect as a result of this procedure .
6 Such sums are not obtained without some sort of commitment to success which , in contemporary terms , means circulation and advertising rather than a blind commitment to a political creed .
7 Many such whales , however , do produce powerful vocalizations and their lack of such structures does not mean that they are not equipped with some other , equally well-designed , auditory and echo-locating system .
8 erm In some cases this can cause difficulty and some self-employed people who have erm tried to erm get the necessary documentations to claim this , have found that they 're not covered in some countries of the European Community erm because the general national erm insurance schemes there do n't erm apply to self-employed people .
9 It always says , or equivalent , that 's just in order to open up the possibilities like this , so that we 're not caught by some legalistic oath .
10 I 'm not looking for some sinecure of a job with the cosy family firm , Lucy !
11 ‘ I 'm not used to some bloody apprentice waltzing into my house and asking me about my private affairs — ’
12 Lithuanian and Armenian deputies were boycotting the Congress session , and Estonians and Latvians were not participating in some votes .
13 If books were not selling in some shops , it was n't the fault of the publishers . ’
14 He is not engaged in some new and unnatural vice .
15 Is he aware that that drug is not grown on some poppy field in South America but that 98 per cent .
16 The effect is not observed in some renal and heart disorders ; then the rate of urine flow on lying down at night is greater than during the daytime and this will be diagnostically useful to the physician .
17 We need a government which is not afraid of playing its part , a government that is not clinging to some of the apparent certainties of the Cold War but one that is willing to step off the sidelines and help ensure that through co-operation between East and West we can move from the two old Europes to the one new Europe with stability .
18 The great majority of French fabliaux too are to be found in manuscripts that contain extensive collections of fabliaux , and other genres , reflecting a development in manuscript production of the thirteenth century that it is difficult to believe is not connected in some general way to the growth of scholarly " compilations " ( compilationes ) at the same time .
19 Bernier constantly contrasts Mughal India and seventeenth-century France : the Jumna compares favourably with the Loire , he thinks ; adultery is easier in Paris than it is in Delhi : ‘ in France it only excites merriment , but in this part of the world there are few instances where it is not followed by some dreadful and tragical catastrophe . ’
20 However , in order to expose the nature of capitalism , Marx first had to show that capitalism is not based on some eternal immutable truth , as presented by economists , but is the product of a long history .
21 Denying the vote to children is not based on some false assumption about 10-year-olds ' political knowledge , nor to deny that they have interests , nor to protect them from the harm their votes might do .
22 If this mental scarring is not treated in some way , whether by hypnosis or some other means , then the effects will last literally for the whole of his life .
23 In such circumstances if the turnover of the reception centres is not apportioned in some way , the tenant will in effect pay double rent for the place at which the cleaning is carried out .
24 Firstly , the distinction between manual and non-manual work is not seen by some as an adequate way of distinguishing between classes .
25 It would be difficult to think of a linguistic topic which is not covered in some form , although I will admit to a passing irritation with the way in which my browsing ( and the book is eminently browsable ) was constantly interrupted by a brief listing of some exotic language-family .
26 With this mysterious absence of ‘ stain' goes a forgetting of grief ; though the Fellowship has just lost Gandalf in Moria , the fact is not mentioned for some twenty pages ( I , 350–70 ) , and indeed we are told that ‘ In winter here no heart could mourn for summer or for spring ’ .
27 Even the new name of Israel is not used for some time ( it reappears in 35.10 and thereafter in Genesis is used interchangeably with Jacob ) .
28 Quantification is usually taken for granted in social dialectology , but it is not used in some other branches of sociolinguistics ( for example , those researches that follow Gumperz 's model ) , and there can be disputes about whether or not it should be used in given instances .
29 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
30 The child who is cast in role as abbot of the cathedral is not identifying with some fictitious character called ‘ Abbot ’ , he is merely taking on an abbot 's function vis-à-vis the situation of being in charge of other people in the community , just as the football captain in a game is not playing a ‘ character ’ of a football captain , he is functioning in the required role of being in charge of his team .
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