Example sentences of "[be] you [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When 're you going to prune them ?
2 Come on Jane , who 're you going to tell us about ?
3 Or are you hoping to keep her in ignorance so you can go back to her when you get tired of me and start wanting to respect yourself again ?
4 Are you expecting to hear I hijacked her en route and left her trussed up in a lay-by ? ’
5 Are you will to support us .
6 But , even so , pride would not allow Fabia to kowtow to anyone , so that it was in the coolest of tones , her expression wooden and unyielding , that she opened her mouth and asked him bluntly , ‘ Are you prepared to give me an interview or not ? ’
7 Now , are you prepared to let me look at your research programme or not ? ’
8 Are you prepared to take it on or what ?
9 Are you prepared to answer it ? ’
10 Are you prepared to accuse him of insincerity ?
11 Are you prepared to tell me what was in it ? ’
12 Are you daring to suggest I 'm being dishonest with Doreen ? ’
13 Are you trying to turn it off or on ? ’
14 Are you trying to say I should have trusted you over all those … those … betrayals ? ’
15 Are you trying to deny you 're responsible for her condition ?
16 Knowing his plan is to develop the character of Christ in my life , I can much more easily say ‘ What are you trying to teach me Lord ? ’ when I am offended , instead of my natural ‘ Why me Lord ? ’
17 ‘ What are you trying to teach me Lord ? ’ recognises the sovereignty of God .
18 What are you trying to persuade them to do ?
19 ‘ Why are you trying to split us in two ?
20 ‘ Look here , ’ said Felicity half-resentfully , ‘ are you trying to depress us , or what ?
21 ‘ Why are you trying to put me off ? ’
22 Are you trying to stop me seeing him ?
23 Are you trying to kill me off by degrees ? ’
24 In the case of upshot , it is the illocutionary or perlocutionary force , what the speaker is trying to do with his or her words , which is made explicit , and this may be prefaced by utterances like : ‘ Are you trying to annoy me ? ’ or ‘ What 's the point of telling me this ? ’ or ‘ I was only trying to be friendly ’ .
25 Are you trying to annoy me , young man ? ’
26 What are you trying to bully me into saying , Luke ? ’
27 ‘ Why are you trying to flatter me ? ’
28 He saw how crafty their question was , and said , ‘ Why are you trying to catch me out ?
29 What are you trying to get me to believe now ?
30 Are you trying to get us all strung up ? ’
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