Example sentences of "[be] for [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He lay with her for a little while as if all had been for the best and when , with a sudden , slithering movement , she was off the bed and into her dress , he thanked her , wished her good night .
2 Erm , when I was a kid , I asked me dad what politics were about and he said , well Tories are for the rich and Labour 's for the poor .
3 But you see , neither are corner shop , I mean , we 've got a lovely corner shop at the roundabout but the prices packing small cos they 're for the elderly and single people and that , and the prices just rocket you know so high .
4 And what better solution can there be for a decayed or threatened landscape park than for it to become a deer park once again ?
5 As made clear in s. 205(1) ( xxvii ) ( above ) this means that a valid legal lease must be for a fixed and certain period of time .
6 The focus would move from the determination of who is legally right and from consideration of the reasonableness of the employer 's action in the circumstances of the individual dismissal to the location of the dispute firmly in the realms of industrial relations , rather than employment law , where the search would be for a workable and acceptable solution which took account of the wider context .
7 One will be for a fast and reliable commuter line across Kent , which could incidentally carry cross-Channel traffic .
8 Far more pupils are taken on than can hope to succeed in practice , and if you have not been able to impress any barrister sufficiently with your qualities to be taken on , it may perhaps be for the best that you are forced to look to a different career at this juncture .
9 It was hard to see what future there could be for the embittered and ranting Nazi or his new and pretty wife , other than a steady descent into the poverty of hired rooms and unpaid bills .
10 I know people say well oh it 's , of course it 's changed ownership , well things change ownership and it can be for the better as well for the worst ca n't it ?
11 By s.21(1) , above , the gain or loss need not be for the accused or to the victim .
12 ‘ Some were for the better but a lot were for worse .
13 There were some comparatively small reductions to the Housing Benefit budget but the major savings — which ran into billions of pounds — were for the 1990s and the next century .
14 Demands for licences grew steadily during the fourteenth century , but endowment of the religious orders never regained its earlier level , and alienations were increasingly directed to the establishment of chantries and secular institutions ; by mid-century almost as many licences were for the secular as for the religious churches , but this has more to do with declining enthusiasm for the vastly endowed monastic orders and the growing popular appeal of the mendicants who lived from alms , and not from farming extensive estates .
15 AS WE move into 1993 , our hope and prayer for all is for a peaceful and grace-filled New Year .
16 The association had also identified very clearly in its submissions to the Labour Court that , whereas its long term aspirations were encapsulated in the original claim , the immediate requirement for our Bank Assistant members is for a real and reasonable increase in pay to meet the urgent needs of today .
17 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
18 In particular the notion that nurse training is for the young and for women only must be dispelled ; no mean task .
19 We are spurred on by advertising images that fun is for the young and fit .
20 Where an institution as a whole is for the non-sick but with some sick beds , the premises will not be transferred to the Minister .
21 The Guild meets fortnightly and is for the social and spiritual life of ladies within our local community .
22 The other people in the restaurant , who might at other times have had stringent thoughts about race , or about white women publicly embracing black men ( or at least , not with such total lack of self-consciousness ) , were subdued — it could be seen from faces that showed tendencies to laugh too without reason to the demand of the occasion , which was for a total and uncritical abandon to happiness .
23 ‘ But it was for the best that it did n't survive , ’ Cynthia said quickly .
24 You see there , there was a er not paying for it , asking about it , the finance committee how very cold it was for the elderly and they sit in there while some get taken home and
25 The schools that existed were run by either the Church or private individuals and education was for the rich or those able enough to get scholarships , and women 's education was not an issue .
26 His most important contract ( first with another carpenter , John Ball , and then on his own ) was for the deepening and wharfing of the Fleet ditch , an enormous task which employed 200 men , took two and a half years to finish ( 1672–4 ) , and brought him a gift of plate worth £200 from the City on its efficient completion .
27 Of this , $43,000 million was for the military and the remaining $33,000 million for civil research in such areas as medicine and space .
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