Example sentences of "[be] a [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You know you th either come back and they 're embracing each other and cuddling and there 're a few tears and everything and er everything 's hunkydory and you start traipsing back in with all the bloody stuff you 've just brought out from beforehand you see .
2 All she had been told when she came round after the anaesthetic was that there had been a few complications and the operation had taken rather longer than had been expected .
3 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
4 It had been a few months before Roy realised he had married what his mother would have called ‘ a lazy bitch ’ .
5 It had been a few years since he had served Mass last as an altar-boy in Rosstrevor , and even the new authority of his police sergeant 's stripes did little to compensate for his nervousness at being on the altar again .
6 It had been a few years since I 'd ridden a bike but it 's like sex , providing you do n't fall off , you soon get back into the swing of it .
7 → There are a few things that you can try before you bin your guitar , John .
8 There are a few things that have cropped up which I have to see to now .
9 Finally , there are a few killers that have been able to develop a special tolerance for certain poisons , enabling them to eat the noxious prey without ill-effects .
10 Yet there are a few hints that the possibility of specific performance even of these judgments should not be dismissed out of hand .
11 However , there are a few problems that could hamper your enjoyment .
12 I think there are a few others but not many .
13 Moreover , on the far side of the Moon there are a few basins that , if filled , would resemble mare .
14 In any case , the certainty one feels is normally misplaced , although there are a few instances when genuinely creative thinking has been documented as taking place during dreams .
15 As we shall see in Section 3.8 , there are a few instances when even TNF needs further simplification , and Kent ( 1983 ) and Date ( 1990 ) describe these extensions .
16 There are a few songs but mostly the show follows the stand-up format .
17 There are a few men that do it
18 Before continuing with our main theme there are a few points that may need clarifying .
19 Here are a few points that might make the process easier …
20 There are a few occasions where it is absolutely necessary to issue a general instruction .
21 The following are a few ideas that can help to make your practice more fruitful .
22 Since both our link missionary families are in Brazil , here are a few facts and figures about the country .
23 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is who he says he is , because he is who he used to be , because Dudley Moore is to all intents and purposes Dudley Moore , actor , musician , mascot , clown , then there are a few details and descriptions and facts and figures that have to be mentioned .
24 There are a few shells and worms that have left behind a tracery of trails in what was the muddy sea floor .
25 The above are a few samples that we have collected .
26 ( There are a few theories that suggest that the Earth as a whole is expanding , but none are very convincing . )
27 There are a few knots that we need to learn when we 're sailing .
28 It would be a few hours before she could face Marguerite , and no doubt the girl , Marie , would be very quick to tell Alain 's mother that she had seen the Englishwoman wandering into the woods like a lunatic .
29 If she could then convince Rainald that it might be a few days before she was granted another opportunity to meet him , and if she could discover how many spies the Empress had in Winchester , the precious time gained might be used to save Edmund .
30 And it will be a few days before anyone scores a goal through these posts in Hereford .
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