Example sentences of "[be] try [to-vb] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK , and in the USA , the first step has been to try to set up an assessment procedure ( Simpson , 1981 ) ; then to consider how training might best be implemented .
2 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
3 She says that they 're trying to clear up the waste created by thousands of people — it 's a long job and they may not have time to do it all .
4 We 're trying to build up a picture of what happened before the event .
5 Yes , it 's for the dictionary project , we 're doing a , erm we 're trying to build up a database at the moment of transcribed spoken language .
6 That 's why I 'm trying to fill up the gap with a few concerts , but of course I 'm not good enough for the big dates , it will be mostly provincial engagements .
7 THEY may be trying to patch up the rift in their marriage .
8 Frightened by events in Eastern Europe , Vietnam 's ageing leaders appear to be trying to shore up the authority of the party by cutting down the independence of an already tightly-regulated press .
9 Some sailors were trying to put up a small sail , but the wind blew it out of their hands , away across the sea into the night .
10 ‘ Maybe they were trying to put up a smoke-screen .
11 Tessa could hear him breathing on the threshold outside for several minutes more , as if he were trying to summon up the courage to return and say something .
12 The press were trying to build up a great rivalry between Ben and me , especially as I had never raced him .
13 He jetted out in his role as President of the Council of European Farm Ministers to join EC Agriculture Commission Ray MacSharry and US Agricultural Secretary Edward Madigan who were trying to button up a deal before the transition of the US Presidency .
14 Erm Richard you were trying to break up a big lump of snow yesterday were n't you ?
15 A gang of youths threw stones and missiles at officers who were trying to break up the display .
16 I am trying to open up the moor by re-seeding and protecting the heather . ’
17 I am trying to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications ( which may also touch on more general issues of ethics and management ) — do you have any relevant texts of which you might send me a complimentary copy and to which reference could be made in the publicity for what should prove a stimulating event !
18 The securities firms are trying to prop up the tumbling stockmarket by cutting the supply of new issues .
19 They are trying to prop up the tumbling stockmarket by cutting the supply of new issues .
20 But you can see the same ideological contours behind it , in that here are a body of professionals who are trying to shore up a crumbling system .
21 They have financial problems , like many people — and more than most if they are trying to bring up a family in London without ‘ private means ’ .
22 ‘ We are trying to build up the event and , as we do not pay appearance money , the best way to do that is to offer rewards that will attract the best players , ’ he added .
23 Its quite possible this was taken out of context by teletext — they often do — especially in this case where the press have been trying to stir up a rift for well over a year .
24 I had been trying to pick up a barman in a pub in Hammersmith .
25 UK Transport Minister John MacGregor yesterday published a paper proposal to introduce road pricing to ease congestion in London : under his plan , every car would have to be fitted with an electronic identifier , and its movements within the capital would be monitored by 4,000 roadside beacons : drivers would either establish credit with the system operator or be sent a quarterly bill , the Evening Standard reports ; the paper says that MacGregor has been trying to think up a snappy name for the thing , but reckless of the manner in which the Community Charge degenerated into the much-excoriated Poll Tax , he has settled on Congestion Charge .
26 ‘ It 'll not be the first man I 've seen after he 's tried to fill up a car with a lighted cigarette in his mouth — nor the last .
27 Now , at this very moment , he is trying to pick up the pieces of his life after you have shattered it so cruelly — ’
28 There are suspicions that Mr Kinnock , who will not intervene publicly in the contest , is trying to speed up the process in order to boost the chances of Mr Smith , who is believed to be his preferred successor .
29 If the father is trying to instil good table manners while the mother is arguing , ‘ What does it matter , so long as she eats ? ’ , or the mother is trying to set up a sensible bedtime routine while father says ‘ Another half-hour wo n't hurt ’ , mealtimes and bedtimes will soon turn into problem areas .
30 He said : ‘ The new government is trying to set up a new country but they have no natural resources and they are desperately short of everything .
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